Interview with Creator of Simple Spectrum Supplement


I had the opportunity to interview Heather Grimaldi, the creator of Simple Spectrum Supplement. There is no doubt that I am a fan of strong mothers creating unique businesses with phenomenal products. This one has turned dear to my heart. 

My daughter is not on the spectrum, but she is celiac and getting her to eat a well rounded nutritious meal is complicated. She is so young, and most foods are “not licious” as she puts it. Finding gluten-free friendly foods for little kids that do not taste like cardboard can be really hard. 

I want her to enjoy what she eats and gets all the vitamins and minerals she needs every day. I tell you this story to elaborate on the fact this is not only meant for children on the spectrum. It is intended for all children who are not getting what their bodies need from their food. 

Taking this supplement every morning with breakfast will help them dramatically. You will see a change in a short amount of time. When they get what they need daily, they begin to thrive mentally. 

As parents, we all want the best for our children. Some of us would do almost anything to see them succeed at everything they do. Though there are times, we forget to think about what they eat and put in their bodies. What we put in our bodies does affect our minds. 

Think about a child on the spectrum; what they put in their bodies affects their minds. To help them find their full potential, always start with what they consume. Ensuring an adequate diet for picky eaters is so hard, and that is why you can add Simple Spectrum Supplement to their favorite food or drink. 

Rest assured, they are getting what they need to have a clearer mind and concentrate better. Further than that, it can increase their speech abilities. I have read so many heartfelt reviews of this product from parents and brings tears to my eyes. So many struggle and they find hope in Simple Spectrum Supplement. 

Now that you have heard all about my take on things let us get to the interview section. I have to say Heather works hard for her family, and it truly shows in her fantastic business and product. Not to mention surrounding herself with other amazing women who want the best for their children as well. 

Interview with Heather Grimaldi:

Simple Spectrum Supplements

What was your goal with creating Simple Spectrum Supplement?

To put a better supplement on the market that was free of the typical junk found in most supplements. I was horrified to learn how unregulated the supplement world was and really wanted to change that, which is why I teamed up with Dr. Shay to create Simple Spectrum Supplement. 

Is there any advice you would give mothers who debate creating businesses that help their children on the spectrum and other children and their families?

Do more of what makes you happy and you’re passionate about! What’s more important than investing in children that need some extra support.

How do you juggle your family life and your success?

It’s always been a struggle because I put 110% into everything I do, but at the end of the day family always comes first.

What made you think of creating Simple Spectrum Supplement?

My daughters! I like to joke that I was thrown kicking and screaming into it. I’m a board-certified behavior analyst, and nutrition was a little out of my realm. I’m all about behavior and I had started a large ABA company. Our mission was to create the kind of nutraceutical supplement we wanted to see available, based on the latest scientific research and free from the extraneous additives packed into so many similar products on the market. As a parent of one child with cyclic vomiting syndrome and ketotic hypoglycemia and another with ADHD and sensory processing disorder, responsible for implementing food programs, I know how hard it can be to get kids to eat the right foods and that includes my own. Simple Spectrum was designed with our kids, with sensory needs in mind, and it is an unflavored dissolvable powder without gluten, casein, added sugar, soy, binding agents, artificial colors, preservatives, GMOs, and dairy. The highest quality vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients in the most bioavailable forms. 

Owning an ABA company and working with MAPS doctors, I saw the benefits of a high-end supplement, firsthand. Simple Spectrum is similar to a nutraceutical a doctor might prescribe, but at a much more affordable price, without the long drives and even longer waits. In the past, this supplement was sold to clinicians/ DAN doctors and MAPS doctors, but now we are trying to go straight to families to make it more affordable to them.

What do you believe attributes your success?

Passion and drive. I just want to help families! We really want to be known as a brand that educates and supports families!

What was your mission for Simple Spectrum Supplement in the beginning?

Put better products on the market and make them more affordable! We also understand it’s not always realistic to get your child to take multiple products in a day which is why we created an all in one! Our supplement is just the highest quality vitamins and minerals in the most bioavailable forms and nothing else- it’s really how all supplements should be! Our mission was to create the kind of nutraceutical supplement we wanted to see available, based on the latest scientific research and free from the extraneous additives packed into so many similar products on the market.

We are really trying to change the supplement world and standards by doing things such as third party tests (this isn’t the norm but definitely should be), which is why we are working diligently to get insurance to reimburse and have been successful in some cases! We want Insurance to understand how important nutrition is and possible nutrient deficits. Simple Spectrum is the highest quality vitamins and minerals in the best forms (most bioavailable) and nothing else! Our supplement provides the nutritional needs of the developing nervous system with extra support for individuals with autism by addressing potential dietary deficits (often seen in children with autism due to picky eating habits and sensory issues)

Our supplement is a high-grade nutraceutical typically found in doctor’s offices. Only the highest quality vitamins and minerals are used in our formula- methylated active forms and truly amino acid chelated from a reputable country of origins, rigorously 3rd party tested with the highest bioavailability and made in the United States. There really isn’t anything like this out on the market at this time other than in clinician’s offices and they end up selling our exact product for triple the cost. We sell to clinicians offices around the world, but they end up selling our product for much more and our goal is to go straight to families and really save them the cost! Simple Spectrum was designed with our kids with sensory needs in mind and is an unflavored dissolvable powder without gluten, casein, added sugar, soy, binding agents, artificial colors, preservatives, GMOs, and dairy. We are so passionate about this product and getting our kiddos the best possible nutrition!

Did you have any prior experience before starting this business?

I started an ABA company and sold it in 2016 (actually the day I went into labor with my second daughter), so I have had a lot of business experience. Although I have a background in behavior I became passionate about nutrition as well and wanted people to look at the big picture of what might be going on (ABA, possible nutrient deficits, speech, and OT).

What do you wish you had known before starting out?

How negative social media can be. I am a huge people pleaser and just want to help families so I had a tough time dealing with any negativity. I’ve come to learn you can’t please everyone.

How did you come up with the name of your company?

My husband helped! We knew we wanted the name Simple in it because there’s no magic to our product. We just use the highest quality vitamins and minerals in the most bioavailable forms and nothing else! An unflavored dissolvable powder without gluten, casein, added sugar, soy, binding agents, artificial colors, preservatives, GMOs, and dairy. It’s all about what we don’t have in our product! It’s scary all the junk you find in most products on the market. 

We hope this becomes the future, and all companies do this! 

What motivates you to continue?

My family! 

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About Author


Mother of two beautiful daughters that keep her busy. She also has an eclectic home full of animals. Currently has 2 dogs Trixie (13 yrs old) a terrier mix and Willow (3) an Alaskan Malamute. There are currently 3 cats that own her Cali (16), Catniss EverPurr (4), and Fizzgig a kitten who is the biggest dictator of all. Last, but certainly not least, Morton a chinchilla (10). Wren enjoys home improvement projects and is always doing something on the fly if it is repainting all her cabinets or ripping out the carpets, she enjoys the challenge and loves improving her home. Most people on the internet know her as Leotastic or Leo for short. She streams video games on Twitch and/or Mixer and truly enjoys the community there. In her free time, she plays Dungeons and Dragons with her friends or goes out and sings terrible karaoke.

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Tara Pittman
3 years ago

This sounds like a great supplement. I love that it is dairy free.

Mar Wahrer
3 years ago

My nephew is on the spectrum and he’s the pickiest eater I know. I look forward to sharing this supplement with my sister. Thanks!

Ryan Escat
Ryan Escat
3 years ago

I love that it’s all in one, affordable and high quality. I will share this with my family and friends.

Toni Dash
Toni Dash
3 years ago

Sounds like a good supplement. Would love to try it.

3 years ago

You convinced me to check out these Simple Spectrum Supplements. When I decide to take supplements I want to improve my health not to make it worse!

Kita Bryant
3 years ago

I love checking out new supplements. They can really make a good change in your health.

3 years ago

It always nice to learn about a product directly from the creator. Love learning the story behind these supplements

3 years ago

I enjoyed reading this success story. Interesting one. I will check spectrum products. Sounds really good.

Bill Memerik
Bill Memerik
3 years ago

I started taking Performix protein about 2 years ago. Before that, I ran between brands, and I was offered this brand, check over here . When I first tried it, I was hooked. But after a while, the fruity flakes and the chocolate brownies were outdated, and I wanted something new. I switched to optimal nutrition for about 5 months after taking this brand for a year. I recently received a bad batch of ON protein and wanted to get back to it. I also found that my energy levels in the gym increased dramatically.