How to use Wikki Stix in Homeschooling


The school year is ramping up for many homeschoolers! It’s time to start looking for great new activities to keep kids engaged in learning. Many children respond well to sensory and tactile activities, as these help them connect to the information. Using items that they can manipulate or fidget with actually helps many kids concentrate, rather than being the distraction that you would expect. Manipulatives like Wikki Stix in homeschooling are a fabulous asset and useful addition to your curriculum.

Made of food grade, non-toxic wax, Wikki Stix are a fun way to create and are perfect for kids of all ages and abilities. They stick easily to each other and any smooth surface, detaching easily to make changes and corrections. They are a mess-free way to bring creativity to a variety of subjects.

Activity Ideas Using Wikki Stix in Homeschooling

Reading with Wikki Stix

Sight Words Practice – Younger children who are learning to read can pick out sight words or vocabulary words in a text, using a short piece of a wax stick to underline the words they recognize.

“What Happens Next” Activity – As older children read, help them to boost comprehension skills by asking them what they think will happen next. They can then use Wikki Stix to create a scene or story web with their ideas of what might be the next part of the story.

Writing with Wiki Stix

Learning Letters – Try Wikki Stix Alphabet Cards for a hands-on way to learn and practice letter formation. Pre-writers will be able to commit the shapes of the letters to memory before they learn to write for themselves.

Create Your Characters – Use a wax sticks activity set to develop a 3-D model to illustrate characters or events in a story or essay your student is working on. This can be a great way for them to reboot and find inspiration when writer’s block sets in.

Math with Wikki Stix

Counting PracticeWikki Stix Number and Counting Cards are a great way to help younger children learn number concepts. They can work on number formation with the manipulatives, plus count out sticks of different colors to match the cards or your verbal instructions.

Practice Fractions – Help your student understand fractions by using Wikki Stix as a visual tool. Using the wax sticks, it’s easy to demonstrate what the equal parts of a shape would look like. They can create a model of an equation to help better grasp addition or subtraction of fractions, as well.

Science Projects with Wikki Stix


The Wikki Stix STEM Pak has a number of different science project ideas that you and your child can make together. Create a DNA strand, make a rocket model, or learn to label the body parts of an insect. The sky truly is the limit.

With just a little creative thinking, it’s easy to find ways to use Wikki Stix in Homeschooling every subject! Print out a map and trace the routes of explorers when teaching history. Create your own maps as you’re teaching geography. Or simply use them during art time for a fun way to unleash your child’s creativity. They really are a great addition to your homeschooling supplies, year after year.

About Author


Shannan Powell is a mom of 3 boys, who has worked from home as a freelance writer and blogger since the birth of her middle son. Her spare time is spent volunteering with her son's swim team, reading, and binge watching random shows on Netflix.

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6 years ago

Unfortunately I don’t homeschool since I have to work full time to support my family, but I wish I could. The world is so scary and I’d so much rather keep my little one home and safe than send them out into the big bad world by themselves…

Ruth I
Ruth I
6 years ago

This looks so cool! I think I can use this for my niece. She go to a regular school but loves some cool activities.

6 years ago

I got some for my kids for Easter a few years ago. They made just twists. My husband on the other hand made tons of flowers and spiders.

Bethany Stout
6 years ago

My daughter loves these, she plays with them all the time. I always keep some on hand when we are traveling in case she gets bored.

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