How to Prevent Injuries and Keep your Child Safe


The entrance of a new baby is a cause for celebration for many growing families. Whether you are just starting to build a family or in the expansion process, you can benefit from learning our child safety tips. 

Injuries contribute to the leading causes of death among the youth in the US. The typical reasons why injuries occur to youngsters vary by age. Nevertheless, parents and guardians can perform some actions that prevent youth-related injuries from happening. 

What are Common Childhood Injuries? 

We might notice that children have different ways of interacting with their environment. Some children might also behave differently while responding to various stimuli. Many youngsters also display curiosity and rash actions to attain an objective they have in mind. It is why injuries can sometimes happen with our babies and kids. 

Since injuries can harm the growth of young people, many adults perform actions to prevent them. For example, if another individual causes damage to your child, you can contact an NJ personal injury law firm to file a lawsuit. Aside from that, you can receive adequate compensation and medical care for your child’s well-being. 

Parents have the instinct to keep their children or newborn baby away from harm. However, not all of us can always be present to keep them away from hazards. Children, while growing up, require their space from time to time. It will help build their characters while learning to rely on themselves to solve some problems they might encounter. 

On the other hand, the curiosity of young people can lead them to perform dangerous deeds. Some activities can cause severe injuries to kids. Fortunately, there are some typical injuries that your child might experience even if they stay indoors. Let us show you some examples below: 

Skin Injuries

A child’s skin is still developing alongside their other body systems. It means that their skin is the most susceptible surface to enduring damage. Typical skin injuries in children are:

  • Cuts
  • Abrasions
  • Scratches
  • Scalds
  • Burns

Bone and Joint Injuries

Injuries affecting the bones and joints can happen to any kid. Many children often perform dangerous physical activities. In some instances, they are prone to riding bicycles, climbing trees, running in various locations, and playing sports. Since their bones are also developing, children are prone to bone and joint injuries like:

  • Fractures
  • Elbow Dislocation
  • Broken Bones

Impact Injuries

Children are susceptible to sustaining injuries from impact because of their impulsive nature. Their bodies might collide with hazards and objects while performing a task or physical activity. Some impact injuries examples are:

  • Bruises
  • Head Injuries
  • Eye Injuries

Foreign Objects

A child’s curious nature leads them to try and taste multiple objects inside their environment. We should keep small things away from a child’s reach. Aside from that, dangerous household chemicals can cause considerable harm to their well-being. Here are typical injuries from foreign objects:

  • Choking
  • Accidental Poisoning
  • Things Stuck in the Ears, Nose, and Throat

How to Prevent Injuries and Ensure Child Safety

Child injuries happen most of the time. Even careful families still have to deal with minor injuries. Parents and guardians wanting to prevent child injuries can perform some modifications. Whether they are dealing with a baby, toddler, or any other age group, some of the tips below might apply: 

Remove Hazardous Materials

It would help if you kept these objects from the reach of your child:

  • Sharp Objects: Pencils, Pens, Knives, Scissors, Forks, Pins, etc.
  • Small Objects: Ballpen caps, Rubber Erasers, Coins, Buttons, Nuts, Office Supplies, etc.
  • Hot Objects: Stove, Cooking Pots, Lit Candles, Hot Drinks, food, etc.
  • Fragile Items: Glass furniture, Spectacles, Drinking Glass, Porcelain plates, etc.
  • Household Chemicals: Cleaning Agents, Detergents, Insecticides, Toiletries, medicine, etc.
  • Objects that can Cause Suffocation: Plastic bags, strings, cords, threads, ropes, etc.
  • Tiny Furniture: Small chairs, stools, plastic tables, etc. 

Install Safety Measures

Any parent or guardian can install or modify a child’s environment to ensure safety. Some examples are:

  • Barriers: Create a playpen or help isolate a child in one house area.
  • Locks: Install window grilles complete with locks for areas that contain tools and hazards to your children.
  • Electrical Outlet Covering: Install outlet coverings and conceal wires and electrical cords.
  • Furniture: Attach any table to a wall that a child can climb or pull down. 
  • Standing Fans: Secure any appliances that can fall off.
  • Child-Proof Locks: Secure your shelves, cabinets, and drawers to prevent their little fingers from getting stuck or any injury. 
  • Sharp Corners: A house might have some sharp corners due to its structure. You can install corner guards to prevent collision injuries from happening to your child. 

Water Safety

Wet and slippery surfaces pose a danger to a growing child. You can ensure water safety by doing the following tips:

  • Water Containers: Your pool, toilet, bathtub, and pail should have a cover to prevent children from playing with them.
  • Slippery Floors: Ensure to dry any wet floor or surface on which a child might step. 
  • Water Temperature: Your child’s skin is susceptible to damage from high temperatures. Ensure that their bathing water is lukewarm to the skin. 

Implement Child Safety Equipment

  • Toy Selection: There are toy models adequate for a particular age group.
  • Meals: You can use child-safe cutlery and purchase robust high chairs for feeding your child.


It is an instinct for parents and guardians to ensure the safety of their children. However, injuries minor or severe can still happen to young people. Fortunately, we can prevent some child injuries from happening by creating an environment safe for them.

About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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2 years ago

Kids are more prone to have injury especially during the time of playing in the out side of the home. Thanks for mentioning the tips for preventing injuries for the kids. visit here

2 years ago

Thanks for the nice post.