‘Game It’ APP Review!


Now I was recently asked to review a new app called, ‘Game It’.  I must confess I am not an app person like my kids are. They love downloading different apps even the gaming ones.

As for me, I only download apps if I find them useful or to burn time every so often. Therefore when I was asked to check out the “Game It” app I figured why not give it a try.

I know by now you are asking what is this ”Game It” app? It is a combination of playing ‘trivia’ and ‘shopping’ but the catch is you can win the items that you are shopping for! That’s right, ‘win’  them!!!

The App is very friendly and easy to install, within minutes I had it downloaded on my smartphone and I was ready to give it a try.


Game It is ready to get your brain in gear to answering‘ trivia’ games around subjects like  movie trivia, pop culture, geography and history. You can play with friends for the latest gadgets, fashion, Gift Cards and much more.


The app is free and once  downloaded you can create your profile! There’s nothing to browsing around and learning your way around this app that’s just how friendly it is. It’s easy as 1, 2, 3! So many items to see as you scroll around, I found some cool Converse I would like to have and many gift cards, fashion items and perfumes.


The moment you download the app you will see that they’ll give you 250 coins right off the back. Awesome right?!  Get your friends involve to play too for the latest and greatest products in fashion, tech, gadgets, and more! Everyone can have fun competing against other players to ‘win prizes’ as well.

 There are so many categories  for the trivia game and the best way to win is to answer  the questions as quickly as possible and make sure they are all correct. Once all 10 questions have been answered the game will total up your score and hopefully your points will beat your competitor. If you run out of coins while playing  you can either play for more coins or you can buy coins for a small price. Once you win, if you remain the winner until the end, then you win the prize and before you know it your prize will arrive at your home!
Overall, it’s a pretty fun app. I like that you can win the many things which you’re looking to shop for anyway, now that’s cool!!  I can not wait for my husband to play the Seinfeld category : we both love that show and I want that new Bluetooth speaker from Game It…lol
Go ahead gave Game It a try! I’m sure you will become addicted, because it’s fun, cool, and worth it! Who wouldn’t want to win prizes!!
 This app is available on  iOS via App Store and Android
You can connect with GameIt via Facebook| Twitter| Instagram

About Author


Wife, mother, grandma, blogger, all wrapped into one person. Lover of coffee, crime shows as well as humor. Loyalty, honesty and positivity is what attracts me to a person as that is what I try to project to others. Hard working and driven to a fault helps me help others and in turn helps myself in my daily work and life.

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Rachel Beltz
10 years ago

This looks like so much fun! I’ll have to challenge some of my friends to a game! Who doesn’t like to win!?