Birthday Buds: Spreading Joy and Changing Lives, One Gift at a Time


Since 2012, Birthday Buds has been creating life-changing moments for families in need. Founded by Grace Cowan, the organization pairs children from families facing financial challenges with “birthday buddies,” children from more fortunate families who can give thoughtful gifts. More than just a gift-giving program, Birthday Buds fosters empathy, generosity, and community connections—while providing essential items like clothes, school supplies, and even baby cribs for growing families.

I had the privilege of speaking with founder Grace Cowan to learn more about her journey and the impact Birthday Buds has had on countless lives.

  1. Birthday Buds has been around since 2012 and is now impacting countless families. Can you tell us the story of what initially inspired you to start this organization?

In 2012, I had just left my music career and had two toddlers. I decided I needed to do something other than obsess over how many blueberries I could get my kids to eat.

I started volunteering for a nonprofit that worked with new moms who were financially insecure. It was both a happy and deeply moving experience, putting into perspective the challenges I was feeling as a new parent.

One weekend, I was at another toddler birthday party—warm beer, cold pizza, and sugar-fueled kids. One of the moms mentioned how many gifts she’d bought for kids who already had so much. We started talking about our “present closets” and how the abundance was unnecessary. She asked if I knew of a boy the same age as her son who could benefit from the gifts. I did! His name was Javon.

I asked Javon’s mom for a list of things he both needed and wanted. My friend bought what she could, and I sent the package. Later, Javon’s mom expressed joy, not just because of the gifts, but because she could enjoy his birthday without financial stress. It allowed Javon to get essentials like underwear, shoes, and a Spiderman action figure he really wanted.

My friend didn’t want Javon’s mom to feel like it was charity; instead, she wanted her to know that “it takes a village to raise a child.” That philosophy became the heart of Birthday Buds.

  1. The concept of pairing children with birthday “buddies” to exchange gifts is unique. How do you see this program shaping the way young children understand generosity and empathy?

We wanted to give children a tangible way to understand generosity. Teaching empathy is difficult in the abstract, but when a child sees a list of things their buddy wants—things similar to their own desires—it becomes a relatable experience. This opens up conversations about differences, similarities, and the idea that dreams don’t come with a price tag. Both children begin to understand that, no matter their circumstances, they often wish for the same things.

  1. What has been the most rewarding or memorable experience you’ve had since starting Birthday Buds? Are there any particular stories that stand out to you?

There are so many. We receive photos and videos every day of children opening gifts they never dreamed of receiving. It’s often the small things—like a box of beads or a Pokémon card set—that bring the most joy. One preschool class takes on five Buddies every year, and they work within a budget to pick out gifts. Seeing the kids’ faces when they receive a video or note from their Buddy is pure joy.

  1. In addition to birthday gifts, Birthday Buds provides cribs, toddler beds, and other essentials for new moms. Can you share more about how that aspect of the program came to be?

Over the years, we’ve faced various tragedies with our families—from house fires to shootings and evictions. We’ve developed such strong relationships that we’re often the first call in a crisis. We keep a special fund for emergencies and have helped with everything from hotel stays to paying rent or providing toiletries and diapers after a disaster.

When a family signs up, we take all the children, including future ones. If a baby is on the way and the family needs a crib or toddler bed, we step in to help, ensuring the new baby comes home to a safe environment.

  1. Many families exchange photos and stories during the birthday celebrations. How do these personal connections transform the experience for both the giver and the receiver?

Both the giving and receiving families cherish this connection. Watching a child light up when they open a gift you picked out is a powerful experience. Buddies stay with each other until they turn twelve, so both families witness the child’s growth—through changing interests, book requests, or clothing sizes. It’s another way of marking the passage of time that strengthens the bond.

  1. Consumerism is a big part of the culture today, especially around birthdays. How does Birthday Buds shift the focus to the joy of giving rather than just receiving?

A quote that resonates with me is, “Remember when you wanted all that you have.” That’s a key part of our program. It teaches children that giving is essential. We call it “The gift of giving,” and it opens up conversations with kids about the realities other families face. It helps kids connect with their Buddies beyond just material gifts and encourages empathy and understanding.

  1. As we head into the holiday season, what advice would you give to parents looking to instill the value of giving in their children?

Start by introducing your child to the diverse world around them. Help them see that, although some families may not have the same material possessions, they share the same dreams and emotions. Fostering that sense of connection builds empathy, and once that’s established, the value of giving becomes more natural.

  1. You’re also involved in Frogmore Stew, a political podcast in South Carolina. How do you balance the work between these two very different projects, and what draws you to each of them?

They are directly related. The policies and decisions coming out of our government affect us all, but especially those living on the margins of poverty. Frogmore Stew covers issues that impact everyone, and it personalizes political points through interviews, historical context, and by spotlighting people working for positive change.

  1. What are some of the most surprising things you’ve learned from interviewing candidates on Frogmore Stew, and how do you see these conversations shaping local political discourse?

I often interview candidates and voters from the same district, and their answers can be worlds apart. It’s a good reminder of how much we stay in our bubbles. I bring in voices from across the political spectrum to create a dialogue and help people understand the life experiences that shape others’ views.

  1. What’s next for you and Birthday Buds? Are there any new directions or expansions in the works?

We’re always looking to grow. We hope to expand to Illinois and Georgia in the next two years, and we’re currently building partnerships in both states. We’ve also had great success with preschools and have developed a “giving curriculum” for them to use as a platform to teach empathy and generosity.

Grace Cowan’s Birthday Buds continues to inspire and uplift families, proving that even small acts of kindness can have a profound impact. Whether through birthday gifts, emergency support, or cribs for new babies, Birthday Buds is a shining example of how communities can come together to support one another.

As we approach the holiday season, Birthday Buds reminds us of the joy found in giving, and how we can all play a part in making the world a little brighter—one birthday at a time.

Connect with Birthday Buds: Facebook | Instagram 

About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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