What Can Cause Climate Change? Contributing Factors Explained


Are you wondering about what can cause climate change?

The award-winning documentary, “First on the List,” calls climate change the “biggest threat of our generation.” By some accounts, the planet is already experiencing more extreme weather patterns because of climate change. 

In the meantime, there are actions you can take to have a positive impact on the environment. To that end, you should want to understand the contributing factors causes of climate change. So, what are they?

Well, continue, and we’ll walk you through the reasons why climate change is happening. Let’s dig in!

Natural Causes

Climate change is caused by a variety of natural and human-induced factors. Some factors natural factors include the sun, the earth’s orbit, ocean currents, and volcanic eruptions.

The sun is the primary driver of climate change on Earth. When the sun is more active, it emits more energy, which can lead to a warmer earth.

The earth’s orbit also affects its climate. The Earth’s orbit changes over time, which affects the amount of sunlight that reaches different parts of the planet. This can cause warming or cooling periods on Earth.

Ocean currents play a role in climate change as well. Warm ocean waters can release heat into the atmosphere, which can cause global warming. Cold ocean waters can absorb heat from the atmosphere, which can lead to cooling periods on Earth.

Volcanic eruptions can also affect climate change. When volcanoes erupt, they release ash and gas into the atmosphere. This can block out sunlight and cool the planet down.

Fortunately, you can take advantage of these natural causes to help mitigate climate change. For example, by harnessing the sun’s energy with solar panels, you can reduce your reliance on fossil fuels and help lower your carbon footprint. 

If you think you’re not knowledgeable enough and don’t know what to do. Feel free to read about climate change here or on any other websites. You will surely gain a better understanding and gain answers to questions you may have.


Pollution is one of the biggest contributors to climate change. There are many types of pollution, but they all harm the environment.

Air pollution is caused by emissions from factories, power plants, and automobiles. These emissions contain greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane, which trap heat in the atmosphere and cause the Earth to warm.

Water pollution comes from a variety of sources, including sewage, agricultural runoff, and industrial waste. When these pollutants enter waterways, they can harm plant and animal life, and make people sick.

Soil pollution can come from chemicals used in agriculture, mining activities, and even from things like car exhaust. This type of pollution can contaminate crops and drinking water, and it can also cause respiratory problems in people.

Land pollution can come from harmful substances released onto the ground. This type of pollution can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that trees and plants can absorb.

Noise pollution is caused by loud sounds and activities like construction, traffic, and industrial machinery. This type of pollution can be annoying to people and it can disturb wildlife habitats.


As the world’s population continues to grow, more and more people are moving into cities. This urbanization can have a significant impact on the environment and contribute to climate change.

For one, as cities grow, they often expand into areas that are undeveloped. This means that trees and other vegetation are removed, which can lead to increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere and less ability to sequester carbon.

In addition, urban areas are much denser than rural areas, with more people living in proximity to one another. This can lead to increased energy use as people try to keep cool in the summer and warm in the winter. 

Cities generate a lot of waste. This waste is often burned or sent to landfill sites, both of which release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.


Trees play a vital role in our environment by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen back into the atmosphere. Trees also help to regulate the Earth’s temperature by providing shade and evapotranspiration.

When trees are cut down and burned, they release greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat from the sun’s rays inside the Earth’s atmosphere, causing the Earth’s average temperature to rise.

Cutting down trees in a tropical forest can reduce rainfall in that area. This is because trees help to regulate local climates by releasing water vapor into the atmosphere through their leaves. Without trees to help regulate precipitation, an area can become much drier or wetter than it was before, which can lead to droughts or floods.

Loss of trees also alters soil composition and increases erosion. This can lead to desertification, which is when an area becomes too dry to support plant life. As desertification increases, so does the risk of famine and homelessness for animals and humans alike.

The majority of this deforestation is due to clearing land for agriculture, particularly in tropical rainforests. As demand for food and other agricultural products continues to rise, deforestation will probably continue unless we find ways to sustainably produce food without clear-cutting forests.


Industrialization began in the early 1800s with the advent of the steam engine. This led to a dramatic increase in using coal as a fuel source, as it was more efficient than wood. The Industrial Revolution spread around the world, and with it came an increase in global greenhouse gas emissions.

Today, industrial activity handles about three-quarters of all human-caused greenhouse gas emissions. This includes emissions from power plants, factories, and transportation. As developing countries industrialize, their emissions are likely to increase as well.

There are things we can do to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and help mitigate climate change. One way is to shift to cleaner energy sources like solar or wind power. Another is to improve energy efficiency in our homes and businesses.

Vehicular Emissions

Cars, buses, and trucks release harmful pollutants into the air, which can rise into the atmosphere and trap heat. This trapped heat can then contribute to global warming.

There are several ways to reduce vehicular emissions and help mitigate climate change. One is to use cleaner-burning fuels such as natural gas or electricity.

Another is to encourage the use of public transportation, carpooling, and cycling. Reducing the amount you drive can also help cut down on emissions.

Fossil Fuel Emissions

Burning fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, causing the Earth to warm. This trapped heat can lead to several problems, including more extreme weather patterns, melting glaciers, and rising sea levels.

There are several ways to reduce fossil fuel emissions. One is to use less energy overall by becoming more efficient in how we use it-for example, through better insulation in our homes and buildings or using LED lightbulbs. Another way is to shift from using fossil fuels to cleaner energy sources like wind and solar power.

Aerosols and Ozone Depletion

Aerosols are tiny particles that float in the air and can come from natural sources like volcanoes, or from human activities like burning fossil fuels. When they reflect sunlight into space, they can cool the planet. But when they land on glaciers or polar regions, they can darken the surface and cause it to absorb more heat, which can speed up melting.

Ozone is a gas that forms a layer in the upper atmosphere and protects us from ultraviolet rays. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are chemicals that were once used in refrigerators, air conditioners, and aerosol cans. When they’re released into the atmosphere, they rise to the stratosphere where they break down ozone molecules.

This creates a “hole” in the ozone layer, allowing more UV rays to reach the Earth’s surface. This can cause skin cancer, eye damage, and other health problems. It can also damage crops and ecosystems.

Carbon Dioxide and Greenhouse Gases

Greenhouse atmospheric gases trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere. This trapped heat makes the Earth’s average temperature rise, which can lead to climate change.

The primary greenhouse effect gas is carbon dioxide (CO2). Other contributing greenhouse effect gases include:

  • Water vapor
  • Methane
  • Nitrous oxide
  • Ozone

Greenhouse atmospheric gases are released into the atmosphere through both natural processes and human activity. Natural sources of greenhouse gas emissions include things like decomposing organic matter and flatulent livestock. Human sources of greenhouse gas emissions come from burning fossil fuels like coal and oil, as well as activities like deforestation and raising livestock.

Know What Can Cause Climate Change and Take Action Today

In conclusion, there are multiple factors that can cause climate change, from natural influences to human activities. To stop this from occurring, it is time to take action and make a change.

Reduce your carbon footprint today by taking public transportation, finding renewable sources of energy, and using eco-friendly lifestyles. Get informed, spread awareness, and do your part to fight climate change.

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About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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