How to Save On Your Electricity Bill at Your Home?


For the past two years, the world has faced an unprecedented situation. Around two years of lockdown have forced people to spend more time in their homes, increasing total utility bills. There is a high chance that the electricity bills might be driving you crazy lately. If you want to dig deeper into the cause of the bill and Compare Electricity QLD you need to identify the appliance or issue increasing your bills. Suppose you are still not able to find the reason! We have you covered; in this content, we will discuss ways by which you can reduce your total utility bills:

  • Prepare Electricity Audit- Before you start cutting down on your bills; you need to have a clear idea of how much electricity you are currently using. You can do this by using an online tool or asking some professional to do that for you. Once you have finalized the electricity audit, it’s easier to identify places where you can cut down the bill.
  • Switch Energy Providers- This is perhaps the easiest way to save on the total electricity bill. You can switch to providers that offer cheaper tariffs in your locality. You can easily do this by taking the help of Compare Electricity QLD and finding the best service providers. You won’t believe how much you can save by switching service providers. You can do this by using a energy comparison website.
  • Turning Lights off- You can make huge savings by switching off your lights when they are not in use. The other way is to upgrade to energy-efficient lighting solutions that drastically reduce your electricity bill. For your reference, a LED light can save up to 75–85% more energy-efficient than a standard light bulb.
  • Keep Doors & Curtains Close- The best way is to save on the total utility bills is to make your home insulated so that your AC doesn’t have to work harder to maintain the normal temperature. You can close your windows, doors and curtains; all this can help you save a lot on your total bills.
  • Insulate Your Home- You can make your home insulated and thus save a lot on your total bill; a well-insulated home maintains a comfortable natural temperature in all seasons. It is believed that you can save up to 45% on your total bills.
  • Check Your Water Usage- Costs incurred due to water usage are considered the second largest cause of electricity bills. You can reduce this cost by limiting your water usage; you can fix any dripping taps and avoid letting the tap run when brushing your teeth. The other thing is to take shorter showers. If you reduce your shower time by two minutes, you can save up to 23 litres of water per shower.


There is no doubt that you can save a lot on your total bill by following the above steps. Still, you can make a huge difference by using platforms that help you to Compare Electricity QLD and incorporating energy-efficient practices in your daily life.

About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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Indigo Login
2 years ago

I was actually reading your article and found some really interesting information. The thing is quite clear that I just want to thank for it.

2 years ago

For this purpose, you should calculate the price of your electricity bills and to save the energy. Living in California, it is not so easy, because a heating system is not working properly, so I am paying a huge attention to it. When i found out that thermostat is blank, I found a proper article at where are described reasons why it is blank and does not work properly.

Happy Hiller
2 years ago

Speaking of reducing water usage, I would like to mention such a thing as low-flow showerheads. Although it’s more expensive than a traditional showerhead, it will definitely pay off as you will get a lower water bill when you invest in such an item. You also get to help the planet because your home won’t consume as much water once you have it installed.

2 years ago
Reply to  Happy Hiller

That’s a good point! By buying things like that, you are making a great investment; an investment for your home, your planet, and yourself.

2 years ago

I believe that the only way to really save a lot on electricity is to switch to using off grid solar systems. Solar energy can be a great source of electricity for life, so I highly recommend learning more about both solar energy and this system, which is especially well suited for residents of areas far from the city.

2 years ago

Another thing you can do to reduce energy consumption is to unplug all the electrical appliances whenever you don’t use them. We tend to think that they don’t consume energy when in sleep mode, but they do. They can account for 30% of your monthly electric bills.

Erik Stenquist
1 year ago

It’s REALLY incredible article to save the electricity bill, I will try this soon. Thanks!

1 year ago

Another thing you should do to save more money on electricity is to upgrade your swimming pool. Pools do use additional electricity. Upgrading to an Energy Star variable speed pool pump can help you save.

1 year ago

Thank you for such a good article! Another thing you should do in order to reduce your utility bills is to check your windows. Cracked windows should be sealed, but if your windows are old enough, consider a replacement. Windows with low-e glass are becoming popular these days. They promise to improve the energy efficiency of the house significantly.

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Thanks for tips! Looking to reduce your Electricity bill? Look no further than our easy-to-follow tips and tricks to save on your electricity bill. From turning off electronics when not in use to using a cooler or fan in the summer, we have you covered. Solar Inverter Replacement Perth

1 year ago

Thank you for sharing such good information about saving energy! To save energy, I would also suggest using alternative sources such as solar energy. Fortunately, more and more devices have been produced that are powered by solar energy. For example, security cameras. Since they tend to work constantly, replacing your traditional option with a modern solar-powered one can save you a great sum.