How to Enjoy a Girls’ Night


Quality matters more than quantity when it comes to friendships. As you and your friends might be living completely different lives to one another, a girls’ night out might be the perfect way to come together, have some fun, and make wonderful memories. These can be hard to organize, as everybody likely has hectic schedules. Just remember, the stress will be worth it when you can switch off, relax, and reconnect with your girlfriends.

To ensure you and your girlfriends have a superb evening from beginning to end, read these handy tips on how to enjoy the perfect girls’ night, from start to finish.

Switch Off From Responsibility

It can be hard to switch off if your life is go go go. However, if you have been looking forward to this night out for a considerable amount of time, then you wouldn’t want a text or email to ruin things. Therefore, make sure you tie up any loose ends with work, and organize childcare with your partner or another family member if this applies to you. This means you can fully enjoy your night without thinking about the responsibilities you have left behind too.

Set Up a Group Chat Before a Night Out

Make the planning process easy by setting up a group chat on WhatsApp, Facebook or Skype. A group chat will keep everybody in the know. It will provide everyone with a forum to share different ideas, organize a date, and express opinions regarding an upcoming girls’ night. Plus, it will be a great way to share fun photos and videos of the group from the evening, which you will each treasure forever.

Take Steps to Avoid an Unwanted Hangover

Nothing can make you regret a girls’ night out quite like a troublesome hangover the next day. There are various steps you can take to avoid feeling too grim in the morning. These include:

  • Watching how much you drink
  • Opting for non-alcoholic drinks throughout the evening
  • Drinking water throughout the night
  • Eating before and after you drink
  • Getting enough sleep

You can take preparations one step further by looking into alternative remedies. If you want to avoid a banging headache and a swirling stomach, consider taking the anti-alcohol herb dihydromyricetin.

Studies have found it can protect your liver from damage and can lower your blood alcohol level. So, you could wake up the next stay feeling fresh and energetic, with superb memories of the night before. You know that sounds good.

Another good idea is to have a fizzy drink the morning after, as this is known to settle the stomach.

Book Dinner at a Restaurant to Connect

It can be difficult to connect with your friends over loud music and a chatty crowd. To ensure you have an opportunity to talk to each other, book a table at a restaurant before heading out for an evening of dancing. Remember:

  • Consider any vegetarians or vegans in the group
  • Find somewhere that is preferably easy to get to
  • Choose somewhere that is in everybody’s budget
  • Ask around beforehand and get recommendations

The great thing about going to a restaurant before is that it will get you set up and excited for the night. Plus, it will ensure one or more of your friends aren’t tempted to abandon the night out due to their rumbling stomachs.

Add a Touch of Glamor with a Casino

Everybody loves a little competition. Opt for something a bit different and consider spending some time in a casino. This can add a touch of glamor into your girls’ night, so encourage your girlfriends to dress up for an evening at a luxurious casino. You can guarantee you will have plenty of fun trying your luck with Blackjack, playing on the many slot machines, or showcasing your impressive poker skills. You also have a greater opportunity to win big by taking advantage of casino promotions.

Be Savvy

With some clever planning, you can orchestrate your night out, so it doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Look out for local deals and ticket promotions for events before you settle on a date, so you can capitalize on these if they fit with your schedules. Similarly, try and find local bars or clubs that offer a 2 for 1 deal for an hour or two. What could be better than half-price cocktails?!

Location is everything; if you do decide to stay away from home, locate somewhere that is close to the center, so you aren’t spending a lot of money getting around. Ideally, you will want to find somewhere that has a bus route nearby, as a bus will be much cheaper than a taxi.

Plan Some Pre-Drink Games

A great way to start the night is to plan some drinking games to get everybody in the mood to go out. This could involve games involving cards, or you might want to opt for something a little simpler and play games to music. Shot roulette, drunk Jenga, or Ring of Fire are all popular options. You don’t need to have any extra additions if it isn’t necessary. Just a table, some drinks, and a fair amount of imagination!

Know When To Call It A Night

Nothing is worse than ruining a night out by going too far. That is why it’s important to be sensible and know when to collectively call it a night. If one member of the group isn’t feeling great or has had one too many, assess the situation. Similarly, you don’t want all your memories ruined by staying out until the early hours and needing a good week to recover. You can enjoy your night without drinking too much, which your body- and head- won’t thank you for! Who knows; if you’re sensible enough, you could incorporate a spa day the next day to recover together without it being too painful.

Stay at a Hotel Together

A girl’s night can be made extra special by making it more of an event. You could go away for the weekend, and opt for a city break, or stay local but still book a hotel. Waiting for a cab home in the middle of the night can completely ruin your experience. Instead, arrange for you and your girls to stay at a hotel that’s a stone’s throw away from a bar, nightclub, or casino.

By doing so, you and your girlfriends can glam up together in one room, and you will be able to return to the warmth and security of a hotel room once the night has come to an end. Plus, you can even make the experience last a little longer by going for breakfast as a group the next morning.

If you follow the above tips, you can rest assured you and your friends will have a superb time on a well-deserved night out.

And there you have it- the definitive guide to organizing a stellar night out for you and your girlfriends. It can be easy to let such occasions slip from your mind, but they can strengthen the bonds with your friends and make those all-important memories to last until next time. With a little organization, some careful planning and a great group, you can make your next night out one to remember.

About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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