Yoga Exercises for Face Fats


In recent times, it has been discovered that much more than the benefits of yoga exercises for general weight loss, these exercises are also great for losing facial fats. Yoga experts have formulated many yoga poses to help in losing facial fat and improving its health. As we go further in the article, we will be taking a closer look at some of the yoga exercises for facial fats.

Related Post: How to Lose Face Fat: A GUIDE FOR SLIMMING YOUR FACE

It is no longer news that exercises are not to be taken likely as they impact on the health of the body. However, one part of the body usually neglected is the face. Little or no attention is given to exercises that improve the health of the face. This is not to say that when we engage in general exercises, the face does not benefit. But the face, like every other part of the body, needs specialized exercises. The specialized exercises go a long way in ridding the face of certain unsightly conditions. One of the most effective exercises to help is the yoga exercise.

According to Well Massive studies, people who give attention to this form of exercise ended up with mild and fresh looking skin free of facial skin conditions like wrinkles, sagging, acne and so on.

Now to the exercises properly.

Cheek Firmer

This is an effective facial exercise that helps to ensure firmness of the cheeks and as a result, reduce its chubbiness.

How to do:

  • With your lips pursed, blow your cheeks until it attains a puffed position. Keep blowing until your cheeks can no longer puff.
  • Allow staying in a puffed position to ensure that the air inside is kept firmly while moving it from side to side.
  • Ensure that you hold your breath while doing this exercise.
  • Stop immediately you are out of breath and then draw in some air.
  • Repeat the exercise about 3 – 4 times every day.

Brow Smoother

This is another specialized yoga exercise with the aim of giving firmness to your brows and reducing forehead wrinkles.

How to do:

  • Open your eyes wide until it starts to exact a strain on your forehead.
  • Ensure that your forehead is not scrunched in the process, but rather kept smooth.
  • Practice focusing on a point in the distance and ensure not to blink.
  • Hold onto that position for about 10 seconds. Now release your eyes, close them and repeat for about 5 times.

Eye Puffiness Reducer

This yoga exercise is aimed at reducing the puffiness in the eyes and as a result help in reducing fine lines usually found around the eyes.

How to do:

  • Place you your fingers below the eyes and in a straight line (usually, only the first three fingers are used for this exercise.
  • At this point, the skin under your eyes should be gently pulled down.
  • While pulling, try closing your eyes against the pressure of the pull.
  • Ensure to stop whenever it feels like the resistance is becoming uncomfortable. This is so that you do not cause any harm to your eyes.
  • Hold onto this position for about 10 seconds and afterward release.
  • Repeat 4 times.

Lion pose (Full Face Pose)

This is a yoga toning exercise that works on the face and helps in eliminating or reducing toxins, and causes tension release. Much more than that, this loin pose exercise improves on your facial glow, providing you with a youthful appearance of the face.

How to do:

  • Take a deep breath using your nose.
  • Squeeze the muscles of your face and tighten your fist.
  • Hold onto the above position for about 2 seconds and then release your breath using the mouth and with pressure.
  • While exhaling, ensure your tongue is stacked out completely. For added pressure, try making a ‘ahh’ sound.
  • Together with the above exercise, widen your eyes and roll them; and then imitating the attack of a lion, open your fists into open palms.
  • Repeat about 3 times daily.

Mouth Tightener

This is an effective exercise for toning the jowl and also reducing the lines around the nose and mouth.

How to do:

  • Suck your cheeks in and like a fish pull your lips together.
  • With your lips puckered, hold tightly and try putting on a smile.
  • If done correctly, you are supposed to feel the pull all around the mouth.
  • Hold onto the puckered position for about 10 seconds.
  • Repeat about 5 times daily

Now you know that yoga exercises can be well formulated to help lose face fats. The above-listed exercises are one of the best you can find on how to lose face fat fast. Now you can put an end to all of your facial problems and feel confident amongst your friends and colleagues. Ensure that you practice them regularly; as this is only when you can be sure to see notable changes.


About Author


Wife, mother, grandma, blogger, all wrapped into one person. Lover of coffee, crime shows as well as humor. Loyalty, honesty and positivity is what attracts me to a person as that is what I try to project to others. Hard working and driven to a fault helps me help others and in turn helps myself in my daily work and life.

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7 years ago

I never believed I could lose facial fat so easily. With just the above steps which I consistently carried out for less than two months, now my face is looking great! Wish you could see how sweet I’m looking now!

Juliet Emmanuel
Juliet Emmanuel
7 years ago

I completely agree with this article. The first time i found out that Yoga has greater benefits than just weight loss or mindfulness but could also be used to reduce face fat, i felt like I was just been transformed into a different planet.
It has long been a very helpful tool.

Juliet Emmanuel
Juliet Emmanuel
7 years ago

Yeah! I have heard alot about yoga exercise for face fat. It is really helpful. I remembered a friend of mine with a face fat, she took every steps just like u mentioned. And it really helped her. Thanks!

7 years ago

Woh! This is interesting. I had always thought Yoga is only good for losing weight and also for mindfulness. I never knew it could also be used to get rid of facial fats. I am surely going to be sharing this. It’s worth it.

Larry Cole
Larry Cole
7 years ago

I thought yoga was just for general weight loss. Now I know better. I’d recommend my neighbor to read this blog post and start exercising her face for better results.

Juliet Emmanuel
Juliet Emmanuel
7 years ago

I had known Yoga to be just unique and effective for different purposes. Losing face fat is, of course, one of them. When I remember my journey so far with weight loss, I can’t tell the complete story without mentioning Yoga. It helped me in both losing face and overall body fat. It’s just great!