Recommends What You Should Have in Your Medical Kit


Making sure to have a well-stocked medical kit and medicine kit should be one of your top priorities, especially if you have children. Actually, you need to assemble one for your car too you just never know when a common accident can occur in your home or in your car.

Dr. Cliff has created a great video to share with you and all his parent readers. The video will address what kind of things you need to have on hand far as medicines and supplies for your young baby. This way you will be ready for any emergency that may occur!

Inside Dr. Cliff video you will learn about the Ultimate Baby Medical Kit:

Description of what items you need and why

  • List of medicines you need to have on hand

Example of how to pack for nursery and for travel
Putting a kit together should be a simple process and Dr. Cliff will inform you as to what all you need in your medical/medicine kit.

What does the kit contain?

Ultimate Baby Medical Kit (Compact Carrying Case containing)

  • Bulb Suction Syringe
  • Baby Safe Nail Clippers
  • Tweezers
  • Tape
  • First Aid Kit (bandages, antibiotic ointment, wound cleanser)
  • Medicine dispensers
  • Axillary/Oral Digital Thermometer
  • Freezer Cold Pack
  • List of Medications to buy

Making sure your kit is always out of young children’s reach and placed in an area that is easy to access. You can purchase your Ultimate Baby Medical Kit from Dr. Cliff website The kits cost $40.00 plus $12 shipping here is the purchase order form…!


So the next time your little one has a non-emergency and needs medical attention you can pull out your already prepared Ultimate Baby Medical Kit to address his or her booboo!


You can connect with Dr. Cliff  via Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Shop and don’t forget you can also subscribe monthly or yearly to have access to Dr. Cliff website.

About Author


Wife, mother, grandma, blogger, all wrapped into one person. Lover of coffee, crime shows as well as humor. Loyalty, honesty and positivity is what attracts me to a person as that is what I try to project to others. Hard working and driven to a fault helps me help others and in turn helps myself in my daily work and life.

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