Nursing Skills You Can Use in Parenting


There is an interesting trend developing among parents who are just getting started with raising their child. A lot of modern parents are taking classes and courses in nursing. Some, especially those who already studied nursing in the past, are even taking RN to MSN programs from top universities.

There are two reasons why this trend is developing. First, universities such as the University of Arizona are making their distance learning programs more accessible than ever. You can pursue an advanced degree such as a masters of science in nursing online from The University of Arizona, all from the comfort of your home.

The second reason is nursing skills. According to recent studies, a lot of skills and knowledge required in the field of nursing actually help parents attend to their children better. Which are the nursing skills you can use in parenting? That is what we are going to find out in this article.

Supervisory Skills

Nurses are trained to be observant. They need to stay aware of even the most minute changes to the patients they are handling. More importantly, they also need to recognize these changes despite having a lot of patients to handle.

The supervisory skills taught in nursing courses are great skills to have as parents. You will become more empathetic and responsive to change, but without the addition of panic or fear upon seeing these changes.

The same set of skills also allow you to be methodical and analytical. Upon seeing a change in behavior on your children, you will be able to go through possible causes and understand the changes more thoroughly. This is a truly valuable set of skills to have as parents.

Good Planning

For many of us parents, planning comes naturally. We’re used to thinking a few steps ahead, preparing for the needs of our children before taking trips or doing other tasks. For others, however, this is a skill that needs to be mastered; fortunately, planning is a skill that can be learned in a relatively short amount of time.

Planning and prioritizing are essential skills that you can pick up by studying to be a nurse. The courses are designed to help you master skills such as time management, organization, planning and task management. Even under the most demanding situation, you will still be able to tackle challenges one at a time based on their priority level.

Communication Skills

This last skill is truly indispensable. As parents, being able to communicate effectively is a must. Not only do we need to understand our children, we also need to have the ability to help them understand what we expect from them. Again, this is also a skill that can be mastered.

Nursing programs teach communications rather differently. The courses are designed to focus on the needs of others and patient care, which means they are easily applicable to parenting and similar situations. These courses are also available as short courses you can take online, allowing you to master the essential skills even when you have a very limited time to learn.

About Author


Wife, mother, grandma, blogger, all wrapped into one person. Lover of coffee, crime shows as well as humor. Loyalty, honesty and positivity is what attracts me to a person as that is what I try to project to others. Hard working and driven to a fault helps me help others and in turn helps myself in my daily work and life.

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8 years ago

Really awesome blog, so informative