7 Parenting Tips for Taking Care of Newborns


As moms, we have a lot to do in the day. (Especially if we already have a family we need to cake care of.) That’s why protecting and raising newborns, as lovely joys as they are, can be incredibly stressful and even more time-consuming. Whether you’re a first-time mom or a “seasoned pro”, here are several useful tips for taking care of your newest addition to the world.

1. Breastfeeding

I wish I knew about breast shields when I raised my first boy. They would have saved a lot of headaches trying to get him to latch on. When I reached out to a lactation consultant (because nursing wasn’t going so well), she suggested I purchase breast shields to help him latch on to me.

2. Don’t Be Quiet

A girlfriend recently told me that newborns are used to noise, and can often sleep through anything. She said that her oldest, a budding drummer, often plays early in the morning. His baby sister (13 months old) sleeps through it – and they’re only a hallway apart from each other! (Note: while he doesn’t go crazy like Buddy Rich, and prefers to play soft Jazz, a drum-set is still reasonably loud.)

3. Increase Bonding

Making an emotional connection with your newborn, especially in his/her first days of being alive, will create a deep and special bond that will last for the rest of both of your lifetimes. This experience is crucial if you want your relationship with your child to endure the struggles of living. (You can also join a WIC Office program for support as you and your baby grow.) Many parents feel rejected by their children when they grow up and stop communicating. By gently stroking your baby with the utmost affection, you can prevent them from “detaching” from your life when they’re older.

4. Sleep

After 3 or so weeks, my first boy grew attached to falling asleep on me. Getting him to stay asleep in his crib after feeding was a nightmare. Luckily, I figured out that pre-warming a blanket in the dryer was more than enough; he simply liked the warmth, as we all do. If your baby is fussy, try pre-warming a blanket before bedtime.

5. Cleanliness

Because newborns don’t have a host of antibodies or a strong immune system, they are terribly prone to infections and diseases of all kinds. Use disinfectant wipes around the house on a daily basis. It also explains the vital significance of making sure the environment is dust free, allergen free and that the surrounding area is sterilized

6. Stock Up

On average, babies soil themselves roughly 10 times (give or take a few) a day. This means you’re going through 70 or more diapers in a week. Stock up on more diapers than you think you need. However, there’s been some heated debate about choosing cotton cloth diapers vs. disposable diapers. Regardless of which you pick, make sure you have plenty.

7. Signs of Hunger

Without a doubt, babies cry for any number of reasons randomly. One of the most common reasons is because they are hungry. Aside from crying, look to see if your baby is putting his fingers in his mouth or making sucking noises.


Aside from these tips, one of the best things you can do for your cherished loved one is to let her/him sleep. It is the single most beneficial thing for its mental and physical health. At least 12-18 hours is required for it to grow healthily and naturally.

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5 years ago

So great parenting and baby stuff tips! thank you

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5 years ago

On the off chance that you have another litter of little cats, the probability is that their mom is working admirably of thinking about them. There are times, notwithstanding, when a mother will basically disregard an infant cat for reasons unknown.