We have all been there. We have all been in that situation when you have finished all the chores that have been dealt to you, all the cleaning tasks have been completed and yet we have been such a hard time finding what to do! Even the television has failed us! Have no fear, for the Internet is here. Here are a couple ways you can take that boredom and maybe even get educated, laugh, and cry all in one day. Here are the best apps/sites for killing time!
Imagine this being like a Pandora radio, or really any kind of radio but instead of some company telling you what to listen to and trying to show you new music; they are actually just showing you new sites to visit and even amazing apps to get! You will absolutely love it, I promise! It’s 100% free and it is easily one of the best ways to surf the internet and not get trapped in the never-ending link following!
I had to look up this website to actually make sure I was clicking on the write one, but I ended up wasting literally 15 minutes on the site. I forgot what I was doing! I legitimately forgot that I was writing this article. That’s how terrible AMAZING this website is. It is the best site for killing time and just honestly wasting it. Sometimes you just need that pick me up or just need to zone out for a little bit because you have re-cleaned the same thing over and over again.
This is more of an app rather than a site but there is also a site available. If you ever feel a little paranoid about your home being protected or in some cases, the LACK of protection, I would definitely suggest this app. It’s been a life saver to some people and to some a great way to kill time too! My Garland home security company told me about this and I was reluctant because I wasn’t really comfortable about being monitored all the time, but thankfully I was educated about home security and I absolutely loved it. So whenever I am away from home but I’m still a little concerned about my home or maybe have some extra time I need to kill, I turn on the app, switch over to my live feed and I can watch my home as I am actually there! It’s quite brilliant.
About The Author: Ronak Kallianpur is an avid blogger and musician. Follow him on Twitter, Instagram and check out his music on Soundcloud.