What’s It Like to Live in Utah?


When you are thinking about starting another chapter in your life and searching for somewhere new in the country to begin this new adventure you might want to consider what Utah has to offer.

When you search Utah quality built homes, for instance, you will soon see that there are some beautiful properties that you can buy in the area.

Knowing that you can find somewhere amazing to call home is one part of the equation. You also want to know what the area is like and what sort of educational and work opportunities await you in Utah.

The numbers look good

A good starting point would be to give you a general overview of what the Utah population is all about.

It is an area that is currently home to over 3 million residents. That number is growing and the population is expected to exceed 6 million by 2060. There are good reasons why those numbers are growing at such a healthy rate.

Utah offers low housing costs, a lower cost of living than many other locations, an enviably low crime rate, and some great scenery, including ski resorts, right on your doorstep.

Salt Lake City is probably one of the most expensive places to live in Utah, but there are plenty of attractive and affordable options in nearby residential areas.

Generally speaking, Utah offers a great standard of living with decent housing costs and an environment that is not overpopulated, despite the rise in residents.

Enjoy a great climate

Utah is one of those great places where you get the best of both worlds. You very rarely get extremes of temperatures and the average yearly temperature is 52 F.

You get warm summers and fairly cold winters. It compares favorably to a dry continental climate. One of the reasons for such good climate conditions is that cold winds tend to be blocked out by the mountains.

A Safe place to live and raise a family

One of the important things you always want to know about an area when you are considering a move is the crime rate. The good news is that Utah is ranked as the 9th safest state in the country.

Some of the smaller cities and towns around Utah boast exceptionally low reported crime rates. It is an area you can move to and raise a family with a reasonable degree of confidence about staying safe.

Excellent educational options

Salt Lake Community College is currently ranked number two of all the community colleges in the US. Utah has three universities in the top fifty national rankings.

Plenty of recreational opportunities

If you enjoy outdoor activities you have plenty of recreational options in Utah. Whether it is skiing, hiking, cycling, or even horse riding, there are plenty of recreational opportunities.

There are even five national parks in Utah to explore.

Great employment prospects

Utah has become a bit of a hotbed when it comes to high-technology jobs. There has been a 70% rise in the number of jobs in this industry created in the state.

Overall, employment prospects are brilliant in Utah. It has had the fastest growing labor force every year in the US since 2010.

As you can see, there are plenty of reasons why Utah could be the right choice when you are looking for a new place to live.

About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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