What Are The Benefits Of Having A Side Hustle As A Mom?


If you’ve read the title of this blog post and started to feel stressed just at the thought of starting a side hustle on top of everything else you’re doing as a mom and maybe working a full or part-time job as well, don’t panic; you don’t have to have an additional business on the side if you don’t want to, and it’s certainly not something that will suit everyone. 

However, if the idea has intrigued you and you’re actually wondering whether starting a side hustle might be worthwhile, then keep reading because we’ll give you some of the many benefits of this idea that might persuade you to give it a try. Read on to find out more. 

Photo by Kampus Production

Financial Independence 

One of the biggest benefits of starting a side hustle as a mom is the financial independence it can give you, which isn’t something to ignore even if you do already have a job and it’s one that pays a decent amount. Any extra money is always going to be useful, and when you have children, you’ll know just how expensive it can be. If starting a side hustle can give you that extra revenue stream (even if it’s a small one), that could be the only reason you need to get started, find brand naming experts, and launch. 

Having a side hustle that brings in extra money can be useful for a variety of reasons depending on your situation. If you’re on maternity leave and the pay you’re getting is very low (if you’re getting anything at all), a side hustle can mean you’re a lot more comfortable. If you’re working, a side hustle means you can put money into a savings fund. Or perhaps a side hustle would mean you could switch from a full-time role to a part-time one, meaning you have more time to be with your children, but you’ll make up the missing money with your own business. 

Flexible Scheduling 

One of the biggest challenges that parents face when they’re working is finding a schedule that takes their family’s needs into account. A traditional nine-to-five job won’t always be very helpful when it comes to taking the kids to school or daycare – and, of course, picking them up again – and it might not be overly useful when it comes to afterschool clubs, doctor’s appointments, or even just having time to be with your kids a little more (especially during school vacation time). 

Whether it’s freelancing, remote work, or starting your own small business, a side hustle can give you the flexibility you need to do all the things you want and have to do while also having the option of working. In the past, parents, and moms especially, might have had to choose between a job and being a stay-at-home parent, and although that’s an easy decision for some people, for others, it’s a difficult choice to have to make. With a side hustle, it’s no longer even something you need to think about. 

Personal Fulfillment 

As well as the fact that you’ll be making more money and you’ll ideally have more time to spend with your family (or taking some time for yourself, which is just as important – and hopefully both), having a side hustle that you’ve worked hard on and that’s a success for you can give you a huge sense of personal fulfillment and pride in what you’ve achieved. When you’re taking care of your kids, and you’re working, for example, it can be hard to do something that makes you feel as though you’re achieving something, but when you have a side hustle, it’s a creative outlet that gives you a sense of purpose and something to work towards. 

When you’re able to pursue a personal passion or interest through your side hustle (which you might not have been able to, or thought you were able to, before), your mental health will improve, and you’ll generally have better overall wellbeing – plus, you’ll be happier. All of that means you can do a great job parenting your kids, and they’ll learn a lot from the fact that you’re following your dreams and doing what makes you happy. 

Skill Development 

There are many different benefits to having a side hustle, whether you’re a parent or not (but if you are a parent, those reasons are perhaps even more important), and another one to add to the ever-growing list is skill development. The thing is that a side hustle can be a safe (and potentially profitable) place to learn new skills that will help you find plenty of success not just now but in the future, too, no matter what you decide to do or what direction you choose to go in. 

If you decide to find a new full-time job, for example, the skills you’ll have learned through your side hustle, whether you were successful or not, will be hugely beneficial and give you an advantage over a lot of other people. Plus, you’ll find work is easier, and you can get further ahead. It’s clear that learning new skills is important, so why not make some money at the same time, which isn’t what would happen if you took a course or tried to learn by yourself. Yes, it will be difficult, but the things you’ll learn will help you so much that it will definitely be worthwhile. The key is to pick a side hustle that you’re passionate about because you’ll be much more motivated to work hard at it, even if it is difficult during the first few months (or longer) while you’re settling into a new routine. 

Make Connections 

Being a mom can sometimes be quite isolating, especially if you’re not working. You might not really see or speak to anyone from one day to the next (apart from your family, perhaps), and although you’re sure to enjoy being with your children, sometimes the thought of spending time with other adults – or at least having some adult conversation and interactions – can be exciting. 

Although the relationship between a business owner and their customers isn’t quite the same as making friends and the depth of that kind of relationship, it’s still better than no connections at all. Plus, don’t forget that as your business grows, you might need to take on employees (this will entirely depend on whether or not this idea appeals, and for some, it’s not something they’re interested in; they’ll either outsource what’s needed or they’ll deliberately keep their business on the small side), and that gives you another way to connect with more people. You might arrange for social events (ideal if you’re all working remotely) or at least speak during the working day. 

A Handy Backup Plan

Nothing is guaranteed in life, and even if you have a great job that seems stable and secure, the truth is that anything can happen, and it might be that that job isn’t so stable after all. That’s not a pleasant thought, but it’s something that you do need to be aware of, and it’s wise to have a backup plan, just in case. 

And losing your job isn’t the only thing to think about. There could be any kind of emergency expenses you need to pay out for, or you might need to take a lot of time off work, and you’ll have a dip in your income because of it. So having a side hustle already set up and working away in the background is ideal because it means you won’t have to worry about any of those things – you’ll always have a job ready and waiting, and you’ll have the extra money we mentioned earlier that might be useful. 

Better Time Management 

Having a side hustle can give you many benefits, and some of them are quite surprising – certainly nothing you’ll probably have considered before. One of those little-known and surprising benefits is that with a good side hustle, you’ll become a lot better at time management, which, when you’re a mom, is a very handy skill to have. 

When you have a job, a side hustle, and children to look after, you’ll have no choice but to become an expert at balancing everything and making sure you hit all your deadlines. Of course, if you have too much to do, you might run the risk of burnout, which means you’ve done too much and become exhausted and both mentally and physically sick, but that’s why time management is so important. When you’re able to work out how to do everything in order of priority and importance, everything changes, and you’ll realize that you don’t have to do it all at once – or at all. Over time, you’ll become adept at managing your time in the best way to make your work-life balance exactly what you want it to be. 

Something To Pass On

Finally, another big benefit of having a side hustle as a mom is that you might be able to build something to pass on to your children. That could be the actual business – they might one day take it over and run it, possibly taking it to the next level of success, but there are other things you might be passing on as well.

These things could include a good work ethic, for example, or the fact that you’re showing them what they can do if they put their mind to it. As a mom, this is a wonderful thing to be able to do.

About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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