U Boost is the First Breast Pump Booster to Help Moms Pump More Milk


Breastfeeding is hard work. And pumping is even harder – statistically, moms don’t produce as much milk when pumping vs. breastfeeding. That is what inspired two breastfeeding mothers to create a new technology that makes pumping easier and helps moms produce more milk.

U Boost is the first hands-free breast pump booster that can be used in conjunction with any standard breast pump to improve lactation and milk output by an average of ~40 percent. The universal design works with every style of breast pump and most breast sizes. Mothers position U Boost against the chest in contact with the dense area of mammary glands. The booster then stimulates the mammary glands with compression (or squeezing) and vibration and works in concert with the suction of the breast pump.

U Boost is the First Breast Pump Booster to Help Moms Pump More Milk

U Boost is very easy to use – the simple squeezing action of the vibrating fingers is controlled by the user. Moms can squeeze the breast using a simple locking/unlocking button mechanism that opens and closes the vibrating fingers towards and away from the breast.

Initial studies found that 90 percent of testers felt that U Boost improved their pumping experience, and 80 percent noticed a significant increase in milk expression. Additionally, in a well-controlled, institutional review board approved clinical trial, funded by the National Institute of Health, testers saw an average of 40 percent more milk removed with U Boost then without.

U Boost is the First Breast Pump Booster to Help Moms Pump More Milk

Now is the time to claim your first edition U Boost on Kickstarter by November 28th. The makers of U Boost are on a mission to revolutionize breastfeeding technology and firmly believe that U Boost will help new mothers better achieve their personal feeding goals. We are working hard to spread the word and get the product into the hands of moms. Test, donate or pre-order one today

About Author


Wife, mother, grandma, blogger, all wrapped into one person. Lover of coffee, crime shows as well as humor. Loyalty, honesty and positivity is what attracts me to a person as that is what I try to project to others. Hard working and driven to a fault helps me help others and in turn helps myself in my daily work and life.

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