Sustainable Development Goals – Education Around the World


Educating the world means that we have to start by educating our children as well. Kindness, happiness and the ability to help and learn are all something that can start at home and can be talked about with our children. 

The good news? As a parent, you can teach your child how to make a difference in the world. With the help of the United Nations and actress Olivia Wilde, they are showing support and letting everyone know that the time is now to teach children about the Sustainable Development Goals

Global Goals to Teach Your Children 

Everyone loves the adorable characters from Thomas & Friends, right? Starting now, Thomas & Friends is helping promote videos to help parents and children discuss education idea and topics by the use of global goals. 

The hopeful outcome for the global goals is that it gives every child the ability to have a quality education with the potential for lifetime learning as well.

Talk to your child about the importance of learning. 

Encourage them to want to learn and to find out how to make learning fun and interesting. Using their imagination and creativity is always a great combo for learning fun!

Use conversation starts to talk to your child about what they watched on the Thomas videos.

If you want to know what your child watched and how they interpreted it, just ask them! Use conversation starter questions like, “Why do you think it’s hard for some children to be able to go to school?”

Conversation starters are a great way to talk about difficult topics that your child may not fully understand.

Let your child teach you with “playful learning”.

Sit back and let your child take over for the day. They get to decide what to do, what to learn and even teach you a few things along the way!

Interested in learning more about quality learning and education for all? Read all about it HERE. 

Taking the time to teach your children to be global citizens is important! Luckily, these awesome Thomas the Train videos are a great resource for your child to learn and become educated.

But wait! There are also other Thomas the Train videos to check out as well to talk about other topics with your children. These include:

    • Life on Land
    • Gender Equality
    • Sustainable Cities and Communities
    • Responsible Consumption and Production
    • Clean Water and Sanitation

Take the time to communicate the importance of education and learning with your child so that they can know that education is important all over the world and needs to continue on! 

This post was sponsored by Mattel, but all opinions are my own.

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Amanda Jordan
Amanda Jordan
6 years ago

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