Simple Way to Prevent Stretch Marks During Pregnancy


It’s common to have thoughts and worries about stretch marks during pregnancy. Millions of expecting mothers all over the world think about this on a daily basis. While genetics may play a role in whether or not you may be susceptible to stretch marks, there is also a product that you can use to help as well! You don’t have to just sit back and wait and see if those stretch marks appear! Instead, try this simple way to prevent stretch marks during your pregnancy.


Simple Way to Prevent Stretch Marks During Pregnancy

Do you check your stomach daily to see if you notice any new or sudden stretch marks? That shouldn’t be a worry during your pregnancy! 


With Thena “Mother’s Glow Belly & Full Body Oil” you can relax knowing that your tummy is hydrated, soothed and moisturized giving it a good base to minimalize and reduce the appearance of stretch marks. 

Why Choose Thena Natural Wellness Body Oil? The benefits are awesome.

Thena Body Oil can:

  • prevent stretch marks
  • soothe itchy skin
  • and so much more!

prevent stretch marks during pregnancy

While the benefits above are amazing, another great aspect of this product is that it’s made cruelty free, and is 100% vegan and gluten-free

During both of my pregnancies, I constantly worried about stretch marks. This product is one that can help alleviate that worry. The great part? It’s simple and easy to use.

Simply apply it to your adorable baby bump daily and watch that beautiful pregnancy glow shine. It’s just as important to remember to take care of yourself on the outside while you are caring for your beautiful baby bundle of joy on the inside.

Give your pregnant belly a treat and hydrate it with Thena Natural Wellness Body Oil. You’ll love how you feel! Plus, the last thing that you need to be worrying about right now is stretch marks! Let Thena Natural Wellness take care of that worry for you.  

So, what are you waiting for? It’s plain to see how Thena Natural Wellness compares to the other brand options out there! THENA Natural Wellness is offering Mom Blog Society readers 10% off. Simply use this code at check out. MMBLOG10

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6 years ago

Sounds like a great oil! Im 31 weeks pregnant and currently using Pure Organic Belly butter, so far so good but will also look into adding this product to my daily skin care routine!

Fran Jorgensen
6 years ago

Thank you so much for the great information on this post! I used coconut oil during my pregnancies but would have loved to give these guys a go! I still use the products on my face to slow down aging!

Vikrant Nimbalkar
6 years ago

Sounds like best oil to use during pregnancy. I’ll recommend it to my family members and friends.

Cara Cozy
6 years ago

this is great to know even if you’re not expecting!

Lotta Andersen
6 years ago

Thanks for sharing. I definitely need to get the oil.

6 years ago

These are great tips I tried to prevent mine but sadly I didn’t succeed still ended up with loads, which I honestly don’t mind.

Jessica Taylor
Jessica Taylor
6 years ago

I am so thankful I didn’t get horrible stretch marks, however I do have some that I’d like to get rid of.

6 years ago

Such helpful information, even when you’re not expecting!

6 years ago

Glad that Thena Body oil can reduce the itchy skin. When the stomach trying to expand, it can be very itchy and glad the oil just work perfect.

6 years ago

Good luck and congratulations. Its been my experience that some people are prone to stretch marks and others aren’t. Luckily I am in the former camp. But if you find something that works, use it. keeping the skin moisturized is a big deterrent to it.

Stephanie Parrell
6 years ago

I have never heard of this product before. I really like this idea!

6 years ago

Well, I’m about 13 years too late on this one. I have horrible stretch marks from my first pregnancy.

6 years ago

I think the key to preventing or minimizing stretch marks is to use a product on a consistent basis. I know people who used cocoa butter and aloe vera but just used it regularly. Find something you love and use it!

6 years ago

Not pregnant, nor will be, but I still want the oil anyway. It has great benefits. I will have to look into getting this. Thanks for sharing.

6 years ago

This is a great post. Honestly I was not too worry when I had my first pregnancy but soon I realized it is a problem! I used oil religiously. 🙂

Terri Beavers
6 years ago

I always look for cruelty-free products. I’ve gotten very strict on that. I love that this is and I’m going to check it out because would be good for a friend of mine who is expecting.

Anosa Malanga
6 years ago

I am not yet a mom or pregnant yet but I would definitely take not of this. Worth sharing too with my mommy friends and expectant moms.

Mommy Sigrid
6 years ago

Thankfully, I don’t have stretch marks. I just have a little belly fat. But it’s okay. I am not very concerned about how I look anyway.