Honoring America’s Heroes


The US has a proud tradition of brave men and women taking on the responsibility of keeping us safe. From firefighters to law enforcement, military to EMT, and everything outside and in between, the courage of many of our neighbors and peers in the face of adversity keeps the nation ticking. Moms all over the country have these people to thank for the ongoing good health and security of the children, with law enforcement even helping stop cyberbullying, demonstrating the reach and importance of service personnel. 

Between the shows, rallies and financial incentives that the nation has established to honor these heroes, there’s plenty of ways you can get involved. For inspiration, look no further than the private sector, where organizations such as Homes for Heroes are leading the way. 

Homes for Heroes 

Home for Heroes has produced incentivized housing for service professionals, offering reimbursement on home purchases and rentals as a thank you and a way to ease the burden. This is crucial – financial support to our heroes is there for the debt they have paid. The toll of the front-line jobs that America’s heroes face can lead to disability throughout life, creating care costs and reducing earning opportunities. For example,20% of veterans are disabled, according to the most recent available data. That’s 4.3m people to whom a debt is owed that need support. 

Homes for Heroes have reimbursed heroes around the country with over $30m from house sales already following their establishment to honor the legendary efforts of national heroes during 9/11. Already in 2018, they have issued $5000 in grants to heroes, helped by donations from the general public. 

Rallies and Support 

The US has never shirked away from honoring those deserving of celebration in the public eye. From super rallies that honor police and war veterans from wars gone by, to city-level organized celebrations and cookouts in honor of local heroes. Great examples in recent years have been the St Jude Police Memorial March in Chicago and the White House turning blue back in May. For parents, you’ll be enthused to learn that over in Washington DC, a day was held for Emergency Medical Services for Children, held during Emergency Medical Services week (19-25 May) to honor the hard-working medical professionals who provide crucial medical protection to the young. 

How You Can Get Involved 

Community-level advocacy is simple in the US. The veterans agencies run care in the community style outreach schemes where local people can get in touch with veterans and assist them with daily needs, or provide company. Hospitals and clinics often offer the opportunity to provide volunteering on a similar level, to give hardworking staff the chance to have a break and focus on providing quality care. Finally, there are plentiful fundraisers to donate your money, not time. 

There are millions of people in the US and abroad who protect the interests of every citizen, whether that be from foreign threats or from crime, illness, and fire. Make sure you take the time to thank them for their service and help our heroes in every way you can.

About Author


Wife, mother, grandma, blogger, all wrapped into one person. Lover of coffee, crime shows as well as humor. Loyalty, honesty and positivity is what attracts me to a person as that is what I try to project to others. Hard working and driven to a fault helps me help others and in turn helps myself in my daily work and life.

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do my homework
7 years ago

These men are heroes and they deserve to be honored. Both for those who survived and for their brothers who died painfully in a foreign land far from their homes and the people they loved. They made that sacrifice on our behalf.

6 years ago

Could you explain it more clearly?