Holly’s Magical Mistletoe – A Christmas Kissing Tradition


Holly’s Magical Mistletoe is an exciting new Christmas Kissing Tradition for couples and families alike! This fun twist on the classic tradition allows people to find their inner child and bond over something truly magical: Christmas kisses. A Christmas book, mistletoe sprig and fun activity, all in one!

Each night during the holidays, someone plays the role of Holly the elf and hangs her magical sprig where it can be found the next day and kissed beneath. More often than not, Holly’s mistletoe is discovered in the most bizarre and unexpected places, leading to a lot of fun, laughter and exciting kissing adventures!
Holly's Magical Mistletoe - A Christmas Kissing Tradition
Each keepsake box comes complete with a wonderfully illustrated book written for all ages, one of Holly’s Magical Mistletoe sprigs and a fun activity for couples and families alike. The book is the story of Holly the elf, and her quest to fill people’s homes with love and kisses with her Magical Mistletoe. If you follow the little elf’s simple rules, it is certain that Holly’s Magical Mistletoe will fill your home with love, bliss and a whole lot of kisses this holiday season!

To highlight:

  • Beautiful, natural looking mistletoe, Christmas book and fun activity for couples and families alike, all in one! Comes in a beautiful keepsake box to store mistletoe.
  • This fun twist on the classic tradition allows couples to find their inner child and bond over something truly magical: Christmas kisses. Includes fun interactive activity for both couples and families!
  • Each night during the holidays, someone plays the role of Holly the elf, and hangs her magical sprig where it can be found the next day and kissed beneath!
  • It is encouraged that you be creative and hang Holly’s mistletoe in the most bizarre and unexpected places. This leads to a lot of fun, laughter and exciting kissing adventures!
  • Each box comes complete with a wonderfully illustrated book that is a fun read for both adults and kids, and one of Holly’s Magical Mistletoe sprigs.

You can purchase Holly’s Magical Mistletoe on Amazon (not an affiliate link). and sells for $24.99

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About Author


Wife, mother, grandma, blogger, all wrapped into one person. Lover of coffee, crime shows as well as humor. Loyalty, honesty and positivity is what attracts me to a person as that is what I try to project to others. Hard working and driven to a fault helps me help others and in turn helps myself in my daily work and life.

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Claudia Krusch
Claudia Krusch
7 years ago

I think Holly’s Magical Mistletoe is a great idea. I am always looking for new traditions to start.

Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle

That’s an interesting idea. It’s like Elf of the Shelf but with smooching. I love it!

Bill Sweeney
7 years ago

What I love about this is that it’s great for couples or the family. Most things like this are sort of for the single set.

7 years ago

What a fun idea! I love that families or couples alike can enjoy the holiday smoochie smoochums tradition.

Victoria Heckstall
Victoria Heckstall
7 years ago

This is a fun idea! Such a great tradition! This would be great this coming holiday!

Ruth I
Ruth I
7 years ago

Oh my, I love this idea! It sounds fun! I need to check it out.

Cherri Megasko
7 years ago

Awww … what a sweet idea! It’s reminiscent of that little elf fellow’s shenanigans, but fun for the big (adult) kids, too. I love it!

up run for life healthy lifestyle blog

I should get some mistletoe so that I can get smooches under it and gross the kids out. hahah. When I was on the high school soccer team, the coach got some mistletoe and we sold it as a fundraiser. That was the first time that I saw the live plant, it was beautiful.

Wendy Polisi
7 years ago

This is such a cute idea. Definitely a way to add a little romance OR extra fun and excitement to the holidays.

7 years ago

Nice to make your own traditions. Holly’s Magical Mistletoe sounds like a wonderful tradition to start.

Elizabeth L
Elizabeth L
7 years ago

This is such a cute idea! I am going to have to give this a try asap!

7 years ago

I love this idea! What acute way to get the whole family in the Christmas spirit!

David Elliott
7 years ago

This is a cute idea. It’s not completely unlike the Elf on a shelf for kids. Finding it in different places could lead to some interesting situations for sure.