Funkaway Gives you A Reason to Love Your Dog Again


Dogs really are man’s best friend, but Funkaway is wanting to become our new one! If we could carry them around everywhere travel, we totally would. I know that I would! Well, when my dogs were smaller, I actually did. I carried them around in a small fabric bag. 

Everywhere I went, my pups were sure to go! The only unfortunate thing about owning dogs, or any kind of pets really, is the smell. When their little patches of fur get wet or dirty, they carry the smell around with them. 

Funkaway Keeps your Dog’s Corn Chips at Bay

Complete sideline thought: Did you know that your dog’s paws smell like corn chips? I’m not lying to you. Stop what you’re doing, and go smell them. I’ll wait. 

See? Corn chips! I wouldn’t like to you. 

With all these different smells, that come our way from owning dogs and other pets…we certainly don’t want our home to be smelling like a dog house. This is where Funkaway comes in to help save the smelly day. 

Funkaway doesn’t just cover up the smells that your pet leaves behind, it actually helps to ELIMINATE the smell entirely. THE OM COMPLEX â„¢ ENCASES odor molecules into a bubble, breaks them down, and then eliminates them. The OM COMPLEX â„¢ is the specially formulated odor fighting molecules that are TOP Secret to the world, but not secret enough to know exactly what it does: Kills all odor-causing bacteria. 

This makes me so freaking happy because now I no longer have to worry about any kind of embarrassing odors in my home that my dogs might cause from which my own nose might have grown accustomed to. 

I can simply pull out my bottle of Funkaway spray, and saturate my dogs’ pet beds and blankets that I use for them. It’s not like I want to wash those things every day, and their beds can’t even be put into the washing machine without getting ruined….so that’s not gonna happen. 

I can even use Funkaway on my different throw blankets and pieces of carpet that I have around my house. I no longer have to afraid of odors in knowing that Funkaway has my back. 

I have a new reason to love my pets even more: Funkaway helps take away any pet-funkaway!

They guarantee that it will work, or you’ll simply get your money back! With backed guarantee like that, what do you really have to lose? Stick with a smell, or grab some Funkaway….to help keep odors at bay.

About Author

David Murphy

When not staying up to date with the latest blogging news out there, I can be found cooking up recipes in my Instant Pot to feed my family and pups! P.S. I LOVE to knit!

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Candice Laboy
6 years ago

Absolutely love this!! I have an 8 year old English Bulldog named Deebo and he is my shadow. He also follows my youngest around and sleeps in her room to protect her.. We love him, he truly is more than a best friend.

S. Jones
S. Jones
6 years ago

This is definitely awesome! Anything to help keep my little furbabies smell at bay is a plus in my book.

Caroline V.
Caroline V.
6 years ago

If it works on dogs, then I can’t wait to try it on my boys! Lol.

Kristen Frolich
Kristen Frolich
6 years ago

I’m going to take this and forward it to my parents! We have cats here but my parents have a dog and they would definitely love this post!

Becki Svare
6 years ago

While I don’t have a dog, I do enjoy a good smelling canine! This seems like a must-have for dog owners 🙂

6 years ago

This is great for me as I also have a dog and I always complain about the smell. Guess this will help me out.

Melissa Cushing
6 years ago

This sounds like a great product and I love that it gets rid of the funky dog smell…. nothing worse than that and you definitely do not want friends or family coming over and your home smelling like that …. LOL 🙂

6 years ago

With my stinky teenage boys, this is going SUPER helpful in taking their stink away lol.

6 years ago

Looks like a good product for dog lovers. My dog died when she was 14. I miss her.

6 years ago

Looks like a good product for dog lovers. My dog died when she was 14. I miss her.

6 years ago

I am so paranoid about having a stinky dog house. Our dog gets baths weekly or she smells terrible. Anything to help with her smell is a win.

6 years ago

I definitely think my sister’s adorable but smelly pup will need this Funkaway spray! Thanks for letting me know! Awesome product!

blair villanueva
blair villanueva
6 years ago

Wow, I should tell my Mom to get this Funkaway coz its handy and perfect when they go out with her furry boys. Thanks for your review!

Janet Smalls
Janet Smalls
6 years ago

I can’t stand smells in my house. If Funkaway can help, then I’m all in.

6 years ago

I live out in the country and have 3 dogs, so anything that can help me stop my house from smelling like a wet dog is a plus in my book. Can’t wait to check this out.

6 years ago

This sounds like a great product for pets!

Amy AKA The Hippy
6 years ago

What a lovely product. We do not currently have a farm dog, only cats. But I know quite a few people who would probably love this product.

Melissa Cushing
6 years ago

I am pretty impressed with this Funkaway for sure! It is so funny about the corn chips smell as it really is so true even immediately after a bath. I am going to check this product out as I would love something that works for my little Chewey. 🙂

Kelli A
6 years ago

Interesting the things they come up with these days! But I agree any oder reducer is a bonus!

6 years ago

I’m going to have to order this for my dogs! It looks like a great product.

6 years ago

I have a Japanese spitz and we enjoyed he accompany but the only I like to the complaint is the odor he creates on the sofa. Glad to learn about funaway and help to eliminate some smell.

6 years ago

I do not have a dog but my sister has a couple and I think they really need some of this funkaway! LOL! They are adorable but my nose is sensitive.

6 years ago

I don’t have a dog, however I’ve had friends with dogs that had a funk and they could of totally use this. Honestly I would use this for my work shoes, I work in food service and they smell like funk lol.

Becca Talbot
6 years ago

Some really helpful advice and tips here! I have cats myself – but some of this applies to them too 🙂 x