Enhance Your Romance with Gourmet Cookie Mixes


Have you ever heard that the way to your partner’s love is through their stomach? Well, I think with Gourmet Cookies Love Potion Cookies you might have found your answer.  

The one I want to talk about today is the: 
Love Potion Dark Chocolate Vanilla Chip Romantic Cookie Mix  These cookies not only look good, they taste good too!  Now mind you I had to try them, and you will too after seeing the picture.

Good Natured Gourmet

About the Cookie Mix:

These seductive dark chocolate cookies become a powerful love potion with ginseng, 100% cacao cocoa, vitamin E and vanilla chips. This mix includes vanilla chips because the scent of vanilla increases memories and emotions. This will make sure that you are unforgettable. Chocolate produces opiates in the brain increasing feelings of happiness. These cookies are made with dark chocolate 100% cacao cocoa powder, the darker the chocolate the more opiates are produced. Vitamin E is the aphrodisiac vitamin because it increases libido by regulating hormones. It also improves vascular health and blood flow. Ginseng increases stamina while decreasing fatigue and stress. Each mix makes 24 cookies.

I have never heard of a cookie mix that had ginseng, vitamin E and cacao cocoa in them. Well, the cacao cocoa I have heard of in a cookie, just not the other two.  I can see how these three added ingredients would help with a “love potion” due to their combination.

You are probably wondering who is behind the Romance Cookie Mixes from The Good Natured Gourmet? 

Good Natured Gourmet was born in 2012  by a Registered Nurse and a baker who saw firsthand the wonderful and powerful effects of natural ingredients and vitamins. Many of her recipes were inspired by many years taking care of pregnant and breastfeeding women, children, and adults. 

Their dessert mixes are made with natural ingredients and vitamins to make them delicious and effective at the same time. At Good Natured Gourmet, their goal is to make truly unique and delicious desserts. 


Their unique cookie mixes are geared toward lactation cookies for breastfeeding Moms, and romance cookie mixes for those that are in love or working toward that goal.

Follow them on their Facebook:



About Author


Wife, mother, grandma, blogger, all wrapped into one person. Lover of coffee, crime shows as well as humor. Loyalty, honesty and positivity is what attracts me to a person as that is what I try to project to others. Hard working and driven to a fault helps me help others and in turn helps myself in my daily work and life.

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Crystal Young
Crystal Young
8 years ago

These cookies look so yummy.Our family love chocolate.

Kelly D
Kelly D
8 years ago

This is an interesting concept and they look really good!

Tammy Horn
Tammy Horn
8 years ago

This is so interesting, and these cookies look really delicious too.

Michele L
Michele L
8 years ago

Now this is an interesting idea! I have never heard anything like baking cookies to enhance romantic feelings! And they’re chocolate – can’t get better than that.

8 years ago

pretty awesome,cookies look delicious.

Kathy C
Kathy C
8 years ago

They look delish, but I wonder…

Karen Giasson
Karen Giasson
8 years ago

These cookies look so yummy. I am a big baker and would love to try this recipe.

Jessica H.
Jessica H.
8 years ago

I love that these cookies have vitamin E in the mix. When you can sneak essential nutrients in a sweet treat it is a win-win!

Jan Lee
Jan Lee
8 years ago

Well I don’t need lactation cookies, lol, but I might enjoy the dark chocolate and vanilla chips. Vitamins are always good too. Not sure if I’d buy these but I admit they do look good 🙂

Renee Walters
Renee Walters
8 years ago

This is very interesting, and these cookies look really good.

Darlene Carbajal
Darlene Carbajal
8 years ago

These look really good!

8 years ago

What an interesting cookie…. 🙂

Christy Caldwell
Christy Caldwell
8 years ago

How cool. The cookies look really tasty.

denise low
8 years ago

These look good. Thank you for sharing.

Dawn Keenan
Dawn Keenan
8 years ago

These look like such delicious cookies!

Maryann D.
Maryann D.
8 years ago

I would love to try these cookies and so would my husband.

Katie Bellamy
Katie Bellamy
8 years ago

These look delicious! I have to try them!

Edna Williams
Edna Williams
8 years ago

They look so awesome! I am really wanting to try them! Thanks for the review!

Sue E
Sue E
8 years ago

At our age, there are times that we could use all the help we can get to spice up our life!! So to me, this was so pin worthy!! And it doesn’t hurt that these cookies taste good also!! Good romance also requires good taste!

8 years ago

OMG, I love chocolate chip cookies and this takes it many steps beyond.

Shana Williams
Shana Williams
8 years ago

They look really good, but I can’t have Vit. E

Sheri Bernal
Sheri Bernal
8 years ago

Yummy looking cookies! Would love to try some! Great review!

Corey Olomon
Corey Olomon
8 years ago

These cookies look so delicious!

Lauryn R
Lauryn R
8 years ago

Wow, these cookies sound and look absolutely delicious! I love the ingredients and the name is just awesome! 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

8 years ago

I have to admit that if my husband bestirred himself to the kitchen and made me cookies, it probably WOULD increase the odds of an, erm, romantic night…

Marty C
Marty C
8 years ago

I have to admit that if my husband bestirred himself to the kitchen and made me cookies, it probably WOULD increase the odds of an, erm, romantic night…