Check out the Video that is making Everyone Cry #TellThemNow




 We watched this Father’s Day video, and it made us call our dads immediately. It is so emotional. It’s awesome. You never know how long we are on this earth, so to be able to call and talk to our dads while they are here is so important. 

After watching the video last night, Sarah told her step-dad that she loved him.  I don’t remember a time when my 18 year old has ever told the man who raised her that she loves him.  It was emotional for me to sit aside and hear their conversation.  I didn’t say anything; just took it all in.  It was something else.


Then my four-year-old Jacob told Daddy that he loves him too. I wish Jacob said “I love you” more often but it was very emotional after watching this video, and hearing Sarah say it.
I haven’t seen my dad in a few months, but seeing this video made me drive right over and tell him I love him. It’s a little bit of a drive but I was so moved, I had to see him in person.  


Echo Storytelling Agency makes books, videos and digital stories for companies who need to engage customers and employees, and for individuals who want to leave a legacy.

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This product was received from the Company for review purposes only. All thoughts and words in this post is my own and I was not paid to endorse it. I am only voicing my opinion about this product.


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Will Tully
9 years ago


I came across you blog and just watched the #tellthemnow video. Yup, made me cry.

I started a cooking channel with my daughter (who just turned 5). I’m very proud of it and would love to know what you think. cookingwithkyler or
Here’s a video we did for Jamie Oliver’s “food revolution day”:


Will Tully

9 years ago

Excellent article, thank you bee keepers all over the world!

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