Carpet Cleaning Simplified With Vacuum Cleaners


Cleaning is a hectic task that drains our energy and consumes the most of our free time. The invention of advanced vacuum cleaners has really simplified the task of cleaning. Vacuum cleaners are simply one of the best inventions of domestic machines that assist in reducing our labor.

Effective carpet cleaner:

Hoover smartwash automatic carpet cleaner is a specialized machine devised to clean or wash the dirt present in the carpets. The idea behind this device is to make carpet washing almost to the level of carpet vacuuming. Many technologies like auto dry, cleaning formula auto mix, heat force, dual flexforce power brushes etc make up the specialized carpet cleaner.

The automatic cleaning technology:

The automatic cleaning technology is designed in such a way that when they are pushed, washing of carpet takes place. And when they are pulled, drying of carpet takes place. The washing and drying cycles are simplified by this simple switching pattern. The removal of solution tank is enough, in case if you have to perform extra rinsing. The automatic led display available in the cleaner head helps the user to know in which mode they are in, the washing or the drying mode.

Various features and control are placed around the machine. In order to switch to certain options users need to bend but most of the controls can be reached with the help of the foot. They are specially devised to provide comfort while making our task easier. In order to perform longer operations they are developed with the controls free handle.

The auto mix technology:

In the carpet vacuum cleaner, there are separate tanks available they are clean water tank and cleaning formula tank. For the optimal cleaning of carpets the automatic water cleaning formula auto mixing system, mixes and dispense the apt required amount of solution out to the carpet. In order to use the carpet vacuum cleaner in the rinse only mode the solution tank is removed from the machine.

The flexforce power brushes technology:

Two brush rolls are present in the Hoover FH52000 carpet cleaner at the cleaner head. These brushes helps in cleaning the deep messes on carpets, they assist in removing stubborn and deep dirt from the carpet. The brushes in the cleaner head are not maintenance free. But they can be easily accessed by lifting the removable nozzle and cleaned by the user.

The heat force and auto dry technology:

They are the carpet drying technologies that are used in the Hoover FH52000 carpet cleaner. The heat force technology is used to blow hot air on to the carpet after the water is extracted from the carpet to dry it. The auto dry technology is used to extract the water from the carpets.

In case if the carpet is washed after a long period of time or in case of deep mess, it is recommend to use the dry only mode to dry the carpet. And it is advisable not to use more than four washing passes.

Actually various factors influence the drying time of carpet, factors like carpet thickness, local humidity and temperature, the number of dry and wet passes are few important factors. The highly dirtier or thicker the carpet is the more time it takes for drying. For instance, it could even take over night to dry. Generally, the carpets can be put in to use after four or five hours of drying.

When cleaned at a regular interval they make cleaning simple and easy. So it is best to carry our cleaning at regular interval of time and avoid leaving the carpet to get too much messier.

Apart from the technologies used, few special tools assist us in cleaning complex surfaces. They are Flexible cleaning hose, 2 in 1 antimicrobial pet tool, spin scrub tool etc.

Flexible cleaning hose:

The elevated surfaces like seats, sofas, stairs, beds etc can be cleaned with the help of the Flexible cleaning hose.

2 in 1 antimicrobial pet tool:

The spots that are hard to reach with the main cleaner head are cleaned with the help of this 2 in 1 antimicrobial pet tool.

Spin scrub tool:

In order to clean the deep stains on stairs or to clean the extra stubborn dirt the spin scrub tool is used. They are powered hand brush tool.

About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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Matt Hayley
5 years ago

I regularly go for the cleaning of my carpets and the services provided by Green Cleaners Team didn’t create any sort of problem for me after carpet cleaning.