Build an Escape Room for Birthday Party.


Every year, they overrun your home. You could be one of those parents who rents out a restaurant or summons a bouncy house to your cul de sac, but no sane person can keep up that kind of pace every single birthday. More often than not, you’re going to have to break down and let all of your kid’s friends into the house for a birthday party and you’ll struggle with ways to entertain them all.

They may be small, but if you’re hosting a birthday party, they’ve got you outnumbered. There’s twenty of them, and only two can play Xbox at once. If you’ve got enough screens maybe a few more can watch a movie. That won’t keep everyone occupied all night. You have to figure out a way to keep them all entertained and engaged at once.

Overwhelmed? Don’t be. You’re going to host an Escape Party.

Setting It All Up

The easiest way to set up and host an escape party is to download a ready-to-play kit. Even if you don’t have time to put any more work into it, a ready-to-play kit will help you entertain all the kids at the party.

Kids love solving puzzles. They love thrilling escapes from imaginary danger. They love using their problem solving skills to impress their friends. That’s why they’re elbows deep in video games half the time. With just takes a little preparation and some salesmanship to drag them away from the screens, you’ll have them hooked. When you set up an escape room for your next birthday party, you’re bringing the video game to life. And instead of just one or two of them playing at a time, the entire party can play, and you can scale your puzzles to match the size and the cleverness of your group.

Good for All Ages

Do you have a gang of pre-teens coming to your house. This kit is a great starting point for you. The Lost Mummy is designed to entertain even the youngest explorers out there.

Teenagers still love solving puzzles, being scared in a safe environment, and showing off, they’re just better at hiding it than they used to be. You just need to find a kit more suited to their age range. Rebel Revolt sure sounds like an escape room for those young spirits. And you can always customize it additionally to fit your needs.

If you can put a little time into customization, you can make the experience even better. What kind of theme would your kid enjoy? The younger they are, the easier it’ll be to answer this. They probably told you exactly what kind of decorations they want for their party. Match it up to your escape room. Pirates, wizards, princesses, dragons, aliens—you can dress it up any way you like. Some art and music can complete the experience. Keep in mind you’re not charging the local kids to come to this birthday party, so you can crank your kid’s favorite movie soundtrack without worrying about a cease and desist order coming your way. Set the mood.

Bake the Cleanup Right In

A themed escape room gives your kid and their friends an awesome birthday party experience without breaking the budget. You can print your entire escape room game kit for the cost of just a few birthday party goody bags. Plus you can use the items you planned to put in those goody bags as part of the game, so you can get double (or more!) the bang for your buck. You can even turn the streamers and napkins into puzzle clues so the clean up takes care of itself.

Kids love pizza and cupcakes, which are perfect foods to use for hints and clues for your escape room puzzles. Decorate a cupcake with a puzzle piece. Have the pepperoni on the pizza point to a clue.

Escape rooms do a great job of keeping kids engaged and focus all that sugar energy into something productive. Add in some time before and after for hanging out and opening gifts and you’ve filled the day and given all the kids a great experience.

About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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Veronica Mitchell
5 years ago

Wow, just in time! My eldest daughter is turning 15 this month and I am planning to give her a party. I will consider this. My daughter and her friends will surely love the idea! Thanks for sharing!

5 years ago
5 years ago

Birthday is a very special movement in every person. That is the day when you are one of the special person and if in this day you got any surprise. It is very happy movement in our life. I was working in in last year. So at the day of my birthday my friends gives me a party .

5 years ago

How much fun! I have participated in Escape Rooms and LOVED it. I’m so competitive! Two years ago for my hubby’s birthday, I did a murder mystery dinner party. Creating an escape room is a wonderful idea for his next party! Thank you!