BIZ is BACK and It’s Better Than Ever!




One thing I can say is I do remember my mom using BIZ laundry detergent back in the day. I remember her saying how good it was in getting her clothes clean but now it’s BACK and much better because of the Stain Fighter laundry booster. The Biz Stain Fighter laundry booster has a powerful formula to boost out those nasty stains and is fully-formulated to work on more stains than most other brands. In fact, independent studies prove Biz fights tough stains better than Oxi Clean, guaranteed per the company!

Now I enjoy doing household chores, I’m probably one of the few mom’s who enjoy cleaning but when it comes to doing laundry it’s by far my least favorite household chore. It’s just not my thing searching for every ones clothes and seeing all those nasty stains on my kids clothing. I mean doing laundry is a lot of work, gathering all the clothes, making sure whites go in one pile and blacks in another plus treating all those ice cream, outdoor stains and much more but someone has to do the job….right!

So when I was asked to review the new Biz Stain Fighter laundry booster, I was excited to see how the stain fighter booster would work. Now the Biz Stain Fighter comes in two formulas which are the liquid detergent booster, and the Biz Powder which is a multi-purpose cleaner that can be used as a detergent booster to fight stains. With the new cleaning formula Biz can even help you tackle those tough household cleaning jobs like showers, toilets and more.



I love that it has so many multiple sides where it can address more than just your laundry stains. I couldn’t wait any longer my poor rugs and towels seem to hold stains a lot and recently the kids had a few dirt stains on my blue rugs from coming in from outdoors. So I decided to walk down the basement to place a load of towels and rugs in the machine and use my Biz Stain Fighter laundry booster.



I made sure to follow the instructions, I rubbed some of the Biz solution all over every towel & rug and I waited 30 minutes then I washed them with my regular detergent. I don’t have the type of machine that you can watch the clothes while washing, if you open my machine it will stop washing. But you know what I did while waiting, I took an old wash cloth with a little Biz liquid and wiped down the side of my machine. Within minutes the side of my machine looked so clean, it had a few liquid stains that had fallen along the side of the machine. Now I’m ready to try it out on a few other household chores, I’ll share that with you at a later date.

Well here is the finally results of my rugs and towels and all I can say is “WOW” there so clean and all of the stains are gone, no more mud tracks on my blue rugs. I’m actually impressed by the cleanness and the free of stains plus they look so bright and they also smell good.



Each one of the towels/rugs look so much better since using the Biz. I can’t wait to see how Biz handles some of my tough household jobs, you know the ones that sometimes give you a hard time getting them clean.

Well now that I have introduce you to the new Biz, tell me what stains will you use Biz on?


Little history about BIZ:

BIZ® was the first enzyme based pre-soak and color-safe bleach that Moms have trusted to remove stains from the family’s laundry, for more than 40 years. First invented in 1968 by Procter & Gamble researcher Charles McCarty, Biz was first introduced nationally as a “pre-soak” or “color-safe bleach” and later re-positioned as a “detergent booster.” In 1994 Biz, like many P&G laundry brands, was re-released in an “ultra” formula (making it highly concentrated so that less of the product would be needed to achieve the same cleaning results).



Don’t forget to visit to print a $1 Biz coupon and don’t for get to connect with hem via Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | so you can keep up with the latest.



Disclaimer: This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Biz Stain Fighter. All opinions are 100% mine.

About Author


Wife, mother, grandma, blogger, all wrapped into one person. Lover of coffee, crime shows as well as humor. Loyalty, honesty and positivity is what attracts me to a person as that is what I try to project to others. Hard working and driven to a fault helps me help others and in turn helps myself in my daily work and life.

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