What Is a Polyaspartic Floor Coating?


Does your garage floor have a floor coating on it? If not, it might not last as long as you’d like.

You may also find that your garage floor won’t look very nice without a floor coating on it. It’s going to be more challenging to maintain than it should be, too.

For all these reasons, you should have a garage floor coating put into place. But you shouldn’t go with an epoxy coating for a garage floor like so many people have done in the past. Instead, it’d be worth going with a polyaspartic floor coating.

So, what is a polyaspartic floor coating? What are the benefits of choosing a polyaspartic coating over an epoxy one? And who should you rely on to apply a polyaspartic coating in your garage?

Find out the answers to each of these questions below and then look into the possibility of getting a polyaspartic coating in your garage.

What Is a Polyaspartic Floor Coating?

Polyaspartic floor coatings have actually been around for a long time now. They were first developed way back in the early 1990s.

Polyaspartics as a whole are materials that are a separate subset of polyureas. The word “polyaspartics” is used to refer to aliphatic polyureas.

Polyaspartic coatings contain both a resin and a catalyst that is utilized to speed up the curing process. They’re known to cure quicker than most other garage floor coating options.

When polyaspartic coatings initially showed up on the scene, they had a few limitations that prevented them from being widely used. But they’ve been further developed over time and are now considered better options than epoxy and polyurethane floor coatings in most circles.

What Are the Benefits of Polyaspartic Floor Coatings?

Now that you have a better idea as to what polyaspartic floor coatings are, let’s get into discussing the many benefits that’ll come along with using them. It’ll help paint a clearer picture of why you should choose polyaspartic when you’re on the hunt for a coating for a garage floor.

The first thing you’re going to notice about polyaspartic coatings is that they’ll prove to be very durable. They’re definitely going to make your concrete garage floor last much longer than it would otherwise.

There are many other benefits of using polyaspartic coatings, too. Here are just a few:

  • They’re resistant to scratching
  • They won’t fade or start to turn yellow when they’re exposed to the sun’s UV rays
  • They’ll be able to handle chemicals like oil, gasoline, grease, etc. without any issues
  • They won’t take forever to cure regardless of the weather

And did we mention that, on top of all this, they’re also going to make your garage floor look beautiful? You can use a polyaspartic coating to make your garage floor almost any color you want. You can also use it to make your garage floor shine like never before.

Why Are Polyaspartic Floor Coatings Better Than Epoxy Ones?

For a long time, epoxy floor coatings were the go-to option for those investing in garage floor coatings. But in more recent years, polyaspartic floor coatings have turned into the more popular option of the two.

Why is this? Well, it’s actually for one very simple reason. Polyaspartic coatings are way stronger than epoxy ones.

How much stronger? A polyaspartic coating for your garage floor will be about 20 times stronger than an epoxy floor coating. That alone should make you want to go with a polyaspartic coating versus an epoxy one.

Who Can You Trust to Apply a Polyaspartic Floor Coating?

While a polyaspartic floor coating will be a better option than an epoxy one, you won’t want to trust just any company to apply this coating to a garage floor. If you do this, you might not be able to benefit from having it as much as you should.

If you’re in the market for a company to apply a polyaspartic coating in your garage, you should see which options exist in your area. Research as many of them as you can and choose the one that looks like they have the most experience and expertise when it comes to applying polyaspartic coatings. With the floor coating industry growing at a rapid pace, you shouldn’t have any shortage of options.

Garage Force is one of the best options around as far as installing polyaspartic coatings is concerned. They can help you take full advantage of going with this type of floor coating for your garage floor.

What Is the Polyaspartic Floor Coating Application Process?

If you’ve never had a polyaspartic floor coating put in place in your garage before, you might not know what to expect from the application process. You’ll be happy to hear that it won’t be too complicated at all.

Here are the steps that’ll be taken during the polyaspartic coating application process:

  1. The surface of your garage floor will be prepared, which will involve removing any previous coatings put on it and repairing any imperfections in it
  2. Dust will be removed from your garage completely to stop it from taking a toll on your new polyaspartic coating
  3. A polyurea basecoat will be applied to your garage floor before a decorative layer is put on top of it and a polyaspartic topcoat is added to the mix

As long as you have the right company taking care of all this for you, applying a polyaspartic coating shouldn’t take much time at all. It’ll leave your garage floor looking its best from the beginning.

How Long Does It Take for a Polyaspartic Floor Coating to Cure?

One thing you might worry about when having a polyaspartic floor coating installed is how long you’ll need to stay off your garage floor. You’ll be so glad to hear that you won’t need to stay away from it for long at all.

A polyaspartic coating should only take about 24 hours to cure, if that. Once it’s done curing, you can go back to using your garage like normal.

You won’t have this same experience when you use an epoxy floor coating in your garage. It’s going to need at least a few days to cure. This can make it more inconvenient for you to apply a coating on a garage floor.

How Much Does a Polyaspartic Floor Coating Cost?

Cost is sometimes a concern for those who are interested in polyaspartic floor coatings. But you’ll be thrilled to know that a polyaspartic coating isn’t going to break the bank by any stretch of the imagination.

You should find that a polyaspartic coating will have a comparable cost to other types of garage floor coatings. It’s yet another reason to consider choosing a polyaspartic coating over the alternatives.

It’s difficult for us to tell you exactly how much a polyaspartic coating will cost. It’ll all depend on how big your garage is along with a few other key factors.

But generally speaking, the easy installation of polyaspartic coating helps to keep the costs associated with it down. You should be able to find room in your personal budget for this type of floor coating for a garage.

Is a Polyaspartic Floor Coating Right for You?

At the end of the day, you’ll love knowing that you have multiple options when it comes to garage floor coatings. You’re free to choose whichever one stands out to you the most.

But as you’ve seen here, a polyaspartic floor coating might just be the best option of the bunch. It’s going to provide you and your garage floor with a list of benefits you won’t get from other floor coatings.

You’ll also come to appreciate the fact that investing in a polyaspartic coating will help you avoid having to invest in another floor coating anytime soon. It’s going to stand the test of time and stick around for the foreseeable future.

This is one more great reason to go with a polyaspartic coating rather than any of the other options we’ve talked about.

Apply a Polyaspartic Floor Coating Today

Putting a polyaspartic floor coating on your garage floor will change the way you use your garage forever. You won’t need to worry about doing any damage to it anymore.

If you’d like to use your garage to work on your cars, having a polyaspartic coating will help. It’ll also help to have one if you want to turn your garage into a DIY workshop or even convert it into a man cave or a playroom.

Consider investing in a polyaspartic coating today. Browse through our other blog articles for more tips on making improvements around your house.

About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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