Carpet Cleaning: Understand The Benefits To Your Home


It is not necessary to be an expert in carpet cleaning to know that this item of decoration is one that brings together dirt and microorganisms that are harmful to people. After all, this is a piece that is always in contact with the floor, getting the contact of the shoes of residents and visitors. But more than making them aesthetically pleasing, do you know what the benefits of keeping them clean are? Well, Captain Carpet Cleaners understand this and they are ready to give you just that. Read through to see the benefits of carpet cleaning.

Why Carpet Cleaning Is Important For Your Home

Now, let’s look at the main benefits of cleaning and the reasons why you should make it a habit.

Increases The Life Of The Carpet

A rug is an investment, and to make it worthwhile you should maintain regular maintenance. By promoting cleanings with a proper frequency and by doing the cleaning that goes beyond the vacuum cleaner, you can extend the life of your carpet. Of course, you will not do a thorough hygiene every month as this is a laborious process. Even so, some basic procedures already increase their durability.

Aspiring, brushing, putting the piece in the sun and sprinkling corn starch or baking soda are some ways to do this basic cleaning.

Prevents Illness And Allergies

Do you know what diseases can be caused by the accumulation of mold and mites? Asthma, rhinitis, and sinusitis are the most common, but other allergic and respiratory crises can also happen. Therefore, maintenance should not be done solely for the sake of aesthetics and durability, but rather to ensure the health of the inhabitants of the house.

If there are children and the elderly in your family, care should be doubled, especially in cold periods. These people are already more susceptible to some diseases – and with mild temperatures, they end up spending more time indoors – so carpet cleaning should always be up to date.

Keeps New Carpets Much Longer

As careful as you are with the organization of your home, it is not always possible to do complete maintenance. Therefore, to avoid damaging the carpet using inappropriate products and procedures, and to effectively eliminate all mites, fungi, and bacteria, do a professional cleaning about twice a year.

Only specialized companies like the captain carpet cleaners will be able to exterminate both the chemical risks (caused by the accumulation of residues, insecticides, and perfumes) and the biological ones, from the remains of food or other particles that can attract even small animals, such as rats or cockroaches.

When there are small children and pets at home, – especially if they spend a lot of time on the carpet – carpet cleaning should be done more often as the build-up of dirt is usually greater.

How To Clean Your Carpets Efficiently?

In addition to understanding the key benefits, it is important to understand how to clean the rugs efficiently, to maintain their quality for longer. So let’s see the best tips, and be sure to implement them in your hygiene habits!

Apply Specific Products

There are several specific carpet cleaning products on the market today, to keep the tissue fiber intact and maintain the life of the object for longer. Check the packaging to know which is most suitable for your piece!

Avoid The Use Of Chemicals

Excess chemicals, in addition to damaging fabric fiber, can also leave strong odors on the carpet. And because this is a piece that is in the most crowded environments, the long exposure to the strong smell of chemicals can cause problems such as nausea, headaches, and allergies in people.

Use Homemade Products For Cleaning

Certain home products are quite efficient for carpet cleaning. This may be interesting even to reduce the use of strong chemicals since some chemicals leave strong smells and cause problems, especially, for those who have allergic conditions.

Use Liquid Detergent

As we have mentioned, liquid detergent is one of the simplest and most efficient ways to clean your carpet – especially from day to day when there are no heavy stains to remove. A solution with 1 liter of water and 1/4 cup of liquid detergent is already able to perform proper cleaning, without leaving stains or strong odors.

The Types Of Cleaning For Each Type Of Carpet

Each type of rug requires a specific type of care. Without it, the material used for its manufacture can be damaged. A furry rug, for example, does not have the same type of sanitization of a sisal rug. The carpet of sisal requires different care. It can not be soaked, for example, nor be sanitized with too much water. To find the right type of maintenance for your carpet, or call a professional.

About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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Ashley Johnson
5 years ago

I liked that you said that one reason to hire professional carpet cleaners is to ensure that the carpet will stay cleaner for longer. I would imagine that this would be beneficial when you have children running around. I would be sure to hire a professional in order to keep my home clean for a long time.

Thomas Peterson
5 years ago

You made a good point that with children and pets cleaning should be done more often as dir has a greater chance of building up. I’ve noticed that the carpet looks and feels dirtier than it used to. Maybe I ought to call a carpet cleaning service and see what they can do to help me keep my floors clean.

Commercial cleaning service Midlothian

Carpet cleaning is a very important part of everyday cleaning. There many small bacteria present in our carpets and rugs. These bacteria may affect the air, enter your body and make you sick. So, carpet cleaning is a must. Thanks a lot!
Commercial cleaning service Midlothian