Winter is Here and So are the Germs; Fight them with LifeStix E.N.T. Care


This post comes to you on behalf of LifeStix and Mom Blog Society.  We received a sample to facilitate our review, all opinions are our own.

Here we are almost to mid-December and although the weather here in New York state hasn’t been terrible, it is getting cold out there.  At this time of year, I think of my grandkids as one is in school and the other is almost 3 years old.  This is the time of year that the germs are floating around and if they catch something, more than likely their Mom and Dad will too.

Winter is Here and So are the Germs Fight them with LifeStix Probiotics E.N.T

What are Lifestix E.N.T. Care probiotics

With LifeStix E.N.T. Care probiotics you do not mix them with water.  You just pour them right into the mouth and enjoy the flavor.  Zak will drink almost anything, including dilly bean juice so I wasn’t too nervous about him trying them, Emma, on the other hand, has become a bit pickier since she has hit the ripe age of 7.  Pleasantly surprised I was when Emma had hers and asked when she could have another one.  So I told her Mom it would be a good idea to keep them out of sight unless she was able to give them to them.  Not something we normally run into when it comes to them taking supplements, especially with Em.

Gut functions are an important part of our immune system. But did you know that the gut is not the first line of defense? Lifestix, E.N.T. Care has created this new kind of probiotic and your kids will love it. 

E.N.T Care is an oral immune probiotic that dissolves in your mouth. Lifestix, E.N.T. Care will help to support ear, nose and throat health. The mouth and throat are the body’s entry point for nutrition, but also for threatening germs that can compromise your health.  Just think all of the places your kids’ fingers touch during the day if they are at school, or even at home.  Then think about who else touched those areas. Yuck. Germs are everywhere!

Lifestix, E.N.T. Care is based on the clinically-proven BLIS K12 probiotic strain. Lifestix, E.N.T. Care cover the mouth and throat with healthy, beneficial bacteria that both inhibit and crowd out the bad bacteria. With the healthy bacteria guarding the entry point, the germs will not have a chance. The best part of Lifestix, E.N.T. Care is that they are effective and taste amazing. Lifestix, E.N.T. Care come in boxes of 30 sticks, and each stick is individually packaged. So for 2 kids, you will have them for 15 days or of course 1 child for 1 month.  They are for ages 2 and above and I will almost guarantee you will not get a fight out of them when they start using it.  

Visit Lifestix, E.N.T. Care on their Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Where to Purchase



About Author


Wife, mother, grandma, blogger, all wrapped into one person. Lover of coffee, crime shows as well as humor. Loyalty, honesty and positivity is what attracts me to a person as that is what I try to project to others. Hard working and driven to a fault helps me help others and in turn helps myself in my daily work and life.

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