Three Easy Gardening Projects For Your Kids


When it comes to tending your garden like what we see in, you’ll want to make sure that it looks clean and beautiful with creative projects! So for all you mommy gardeners out there, you’ll be able to have a ton of fun with your children with awesome gardening projects you can do together. Not only are they kid-friendly, but these cool creations will be able to spruce up your garden and have it look amazing and personalized! Wondering what these are? Read on and I’ll show you three gardening projects to do with the family!

Three Easy Gardening Projects For Your Kids

Three Easy Gardening Projects For Your Kids

  1. Veggie Rocks

Three Easy Gardening Projects For Your Kids

When planting vegetables, you can do this together with your children and have them help you label them. This way you’ll know what everyone’s growing! By using rocks and a few coloring materials, they can design and decorate to show everybody just what’s growing in that soil. You can even teach them a thing or two about gardening these vegetables by allowing them to mark the area themselves. All you need here are rocks and stones big enough to decorate. Then, identify the plant with a white paint marker. Let your kids place it into the soil where you’re planting the vegetables and let it grow!

  1. Egg Carton Greenhouses

Three Easy Gardening Projects For Your Kids

For those who have extra egg cartons lying around, don’t throw them away! They can become a mini gardening project to introduce your children to the hobby. With each small room in the egg carton, add a bit of soil and seeds that will soon sprout into plants to transfer to your garden. It gives your child a sense of responsibility, and it will have them learning about the value of caring for other living things. Plus, it makes your garden look even cuter!

  1. Still-Life Frames

If you are growing flowers, expect them to sprout into beautiful and long-stemmed petals that will leave your children in awe! Just like the veggie rocks, you can mark and identify the flowers but with a twist. You’ll be make them into still-life frames! It draws more attention to your blossoms, and it has them look picture perfect. Use a durable picture frame, a strong dowel, and a teal bookplate for labeling. It’s that easy! In the process, your kids will have fun thinking up of names and learning more about the flowers you planted.

In Conclusion

Three Easy Gardening Projects For Your Kids

When it comes to beautifying your garden, you don’t need to do it alone! Instead of keeping your kids at home while you run your errands outside the house, you can opt to have them watch and learn about nature, inspiring them to go outdoors and fall in love with the earth the same way you have! Don’t wait any longer, and try any (or all) of these projects!


About Author


Wife, mother, grandma, blogger, all wrapped into one person. Lover of coffee, crime shows as well as humor. Loyalty, honesty and positivity is what attracts me to a person as that is what I try to project to others. Hard working and driven to a fault helps me help others and in turn helps myself in my daily work and life.

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