The Busy Mom’s Guide to Getting Website Page Views


Raising a child while maintaining a job can be a frustrating prospect. Understandably, it can be hard to find a spare $1,000 per month to shell out to a high-quality daycare. And while handing off your child to grandma or an aunt can be okay for a few days at a time, they’ll probably get tired of being your babysitters.

The Solution?

Many modern moms have decided to begin an at-home business to make ends meet. An at-home business gives you the convenience of being a stay-at-home mom but with a stream of income. Sounds so easy but in fact, it is not at all because websites just don’t make a profit after they were just created. You could wait a long time before getting any money from your website but you don’t have to if you only use Convertica. They will guide you and show you a way how to get more views and monetize your site. Whether through crafting, online services, or blogging, an online business can be a great way to make money while supporting your kids.

Getting attention to your website, however, is a tricky game. Here’s some tips you can try to help more people find your website.

The Busy Mom’s Guide to Getting Website Page Views

  1. Use Your Website Strategically

One of the biggest battles of having an online business is getting web surfers to click on your link. To draw attention to your page, you need to design your website with the user in mind. Spend a few days figuring out a domain name that will grab attention while also hinting your readers to the content of your website. Be sure the website has user-friendly colors and images and looks professional.

  1. Expand to Social Media

We’ve written in the past about how to design an effective social media strategy, but we can’t stress enough how important this step is. Small businesses and local crafters are getting lots of attention right now, and many shoppers are trying to think small and support their neighbors. Create a few social media accounts to start to expand your viewership. If you’re new to social media, we recommend starting with Facebook and Instagram.

On these social media platforms, remember that hashtags are your friend. Use four to six hashtags relevant to your business on each post. Some examples of good hashtags include “#embroidery”, “#graphicdesign”, or “#freelancewriting.” They’re broad enough that people can actually find the hashtags but narrow enough that you’ll mostly attract interested potential customers.

  1. Consider Hiring a SEO Manager

SEO is a great way to get organic traffic and an interested audience to your website without advertisements. For those of you who aren’t familiar, search engine optimization (SEO) is a strategy of designing your website to be the best fit for search engines like Google or Bing. A SEO specialist can help your website rank higher on searches for keywords. Higher rankings equal more page views.

This is another topic we’ve hit on our blog. Our posts specifically cover how to find SEO in Houston and how to find SEO in Connecticut, but the tips stay the same. Finding a good SEO team can be difficult, but worth the effort. Not all SEO companies are created equal—different teams have different strategies and results. HOTH Blogger, for example, has a unique SEO strategy designed specifically for blogs. Be sure to shop around and find all your options before choosing one.

  1. Know Your Industry

Not all businesses are created equal. The advice that will help a blog may not be too effective for a painter. While we can’t address every business you may create, we can give a few tips for the most common types:

    • Bloggers: Try to post 50 topics in the first month. Two or three posts per day may seem like a lot, but it’ll have two good effects. Firstly, it’ll help you prove to yourself that this is a topic that you are invested in and can write about indefinitely. Secondly, it’ll gather more traffic to your blog and show readers that you’re active.
    • Crafters: Rather than trying to make your own online store, you may be best off listing your products on an online crafter’s marketplace like Etsy. This will also increase the chances that customers will find your products by searching on the marketplace directly.


  • Online Service Providers: Whether you’re offering freelance writing, SEO, graphic design, or anything in between, your industry greatly depends on your portfolio. Consider doing some “volunteer work” for free to get practice and build up your portfolio for potential buyers.

About Author


Wife, mother, grandma, blogger, all wrapped into one person. Lover of coffee, crime shows as well as humor. Loyalty, honesty and positivity is what attracts me to a person as that is what I try to project to others. Hard working and driven to a fault helps me help others and in turn helps myself in my daily work and life.

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