When it comes to planning for a family it is very important to have the necessary information and quality care to aid in assisting every women. Just think if every woman had the proper family planning they will be able to plan their families and protect themselves and feel empowered by their choices. Even young girls need to be protected, they’re not ready to be mom’s just yet they’re still kids themselves. I believe everyone deserves good quality care and should have access to family planning for their future.
I know you are asking by now what is WTFP?!, well its a campaign that seeks to engage a new generation of women and men in a global family planning movement. In many countries, the widespread use of contraception has revolutionized women’s roles in society and the workplace.
According to Mira Sorvino & EngenderHealth women who have access to contraception are more likely to earn more money and go further in school and have healthier children. If every woman had access to contraception and proper family planning, we could prevent 54 million unintended pregnancies, 79,000 maternal deaths and 1.1 million infant deaths worldwide. Engenderhealth is taking action to make sure every women gets the care they need for family planning. Now you too can help by sharing via Your Social Networks for Social Good, tell your friends, family and workers and don’t forget to watch the History’s Worst Contraceptive’s Video you will be amazed at some of the worst horrible contraception methods women use back in the day!
Check out 5 easy ways you can help spread the word about WTFP?!
1) Where’s the Family Planning?! At your fingertips: Use your social networks for social good….every share unlocks funding for family planning. #wheresthefp
2) App-tastic: Tell two friends about WTFP?! and receive a specially designed free WTFP? app. With tracking and planning tools built in, the WTFP?! app has all of the functionality of myPill® Birth Control Reminder and it’s yours free when you share with two friends.
3) WATCH out now! Watch our videos and spread the word:
History’s Worst Contraceptives
4) Stay current on the latest info! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest.
5) Do you give an F about FP? We thought so. Express yourself!
EngenderHealth’s is bringing awareness about the 225 million women worldwide who need access to family planning, you can learn more about this campaign via their website here.
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