8 Ways to spark your child’s love for learning (and tech)


Being a business that helps in regular learning, this is one the most discussed topic in the team. For the parents out there, we understand how difficult it is to spark your child’s interest in learning when they are more interested in playing and messing with things around them.

We will discuss how you can use your child’s activities to spark an infallible interest in learning along with technology. Not only will we share ways but also a parent’s story to let you into the brain of children and how you can use everything to their sound.

  • If your child isn’t a traditional learner

A few weeks back, a mother contacted us to start their children’s learning journey. She told us about how her children showed differences.

“I have three children, ages ten, eleven, and twelve. I have noticed that children love to learn and want to know why things are the way they are, how things work, and what makes people tick.”

But she didn’t know how to get her kids started with learning. She said she would be going overboard if she began explaining every question they asked.

We discussed this and gave her the best solution we will share today.

Sometimes kids ask relevant questions, but we can’t answer everything according to their age. You might not know how to explain to a 4-year-old.

For many years, we have noticed that keeping your child away from getting answers doesn’t work, and it only makes them ask more, whether it be common topics like the stars, sun, and sky, or everyday life stuff.

Acknowledge their queries and appreciate them. Please give them the proper explanation

  • Show them how it works.

It has been proven that when you display things in the form of habits, your children will learn better. Not only practices, but if you show them real-world applications of their learning, it will help them build deep questions and make them visualize things.

Visualization is the key to understanding any topic; it is only vital for your kids to know how to visualize the things they are thinking about.

  • Feed their brain

Encourage their natural curiosity with a good brain diet. A brain diet doesn’t correspond to just brain foods but also shows them resources to feed their interest. 

Feeding them with knowledge and good food will work wonders for your kids to incorporate learning as soon as anything pops into their minds. They must know that whatever is being taught to them isn’t abstract.

  • Get them a tutor

Getting a tutor, offline or online, would boost their learning speed. Tutors know precisely how to deal with children and their tons of questions, and they will know which questions to keep for later and which ones to be addressed on the spot. 

You can find a great tutor for your child, no matter the age, with TutorOcean.

Don’t forget that not only does your little child need some learning care, but if you have a high schooler or an undergrad, they might also need tutorial help. It’s entirely alright for older students to ask for help from their parents in their studies, and we appreciate it. Don’t rebuff them thinking that they might know what they need help with and how they will solve their problems, allow them to be confused and messy about how to solve their academic issues. In such cases, you can significantly help your older kids.

  • Games for learning ability

Games like a robot kit or LEGO are built to encourage their problem-solving ability. 

Why are we stressing about problem-solving so much? It is because problem-solving capacity defines intelligence. Every child is born with the ability to solve problems and make use of their intelligence, but as parents, it’s on us that we need to enhance our child’s problem-solving skills to let them explore more from a young age.

  • Writing a story

Writing is always an excellent way to instill imagination in your kids. Help your kids write stories out of their creativity, and it will help them see beyond reality and create a sphere of curiosity about how something can happen. 

Not only imaginative stories but real-life stories also help kids with emotional and mental well-being. Teach your kids to write what they experience. You will thank us in the long run. It helps manage emotions and stress, and you can know what problems they might be facing by reading what they share.

  • Introduce them to technology as an asset

We know that parents introduce technology to their children at a very young age, and no one can escape that in this day and age. 

So what is the catch here?

You must introduce your kids to technology as an asset they have when they need to use it. Don’t use technology as an alternative to keep them busy and out of sight. Use technology as a tool. For example, if they have a question that needs praise and great explanation, you can show them videos on that topic and read and explain articles to them on what people think about it. 

Be mindful while telling them that the internet is not the key to knowledge. It is instead a tool to help you find answers when you are done with your books. 

Introduce them to games in real life first, and then after age, you can help them engage online.

Also, we have a great suggestion that you let your kids join an online community that involves parents too. Not that it will make you savvy about the internet, but until the pandemic, you can use this way for your kids to meet other kids out there.

  • Art and library

Your kids must express themselves through art. Not all children love art, but it fascinates them how they can express themselves through colors. Let your children play with colors and nature to build a good relationship with things around them. Art also sparks creativity and learning through different methods.

One tip we kept for adding, in the end, is- taking your children to the library. Again, regardless of age, this is one of the healthiest habits to build. High schoolers, young kids, undergrads, everybody should have a habit of visiting the library and taking some time to study there.

Tutorocean got your back, and we will provide you with such informative and helping blogs regularly. You can follow these tips to spark your child’s love for learning.

About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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Debra Peterson
Debra Peterson
2 years ago

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Last edited 2 years ago by Debra Peterson
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1 year ago

As parents and educators, we want our kids to love learning and have an affinity for technology. But sometimes it’s hard to know how to get there. To get PayPro Global that promotes your online marketing. This post is full of ideas from teachers on what they did to foster an early love for learning in their own lives. Read on to discover 8 ways you can spark a passion for learning in your kids whether it be tech or not today.