6 HOUR SLEEP Helps Your Body Get The Sleep It Needs! #Giveaway


Have you been stressing about getting more sleep? Statistics tells us that millions of people are not getting an adequate amount of sleep and I’m sure I fall right within those statistics. We all know that sleep is a must, and it’s  critical to our health to get the right amount of sleep that is needed for our bodies.

But sometimes it’s very hard to even get 8hrs of sleep, I find myself sometimes not even getting 4-5 good hrs. Now that’s pretty bad! I’ve come to the conclusion that if I want a better  night’s sleep, I may need to try  6 Hour Sleep to help me relax and ease my body into what is said to be a productive night’s sleep.


But not to worry, this supplement is made from natural ingredients. You see 6 HOUR SLEEP is a completely drug-free, pure sleep supplement with a blend of 12 essential sleep promoting ingredients, nutrients and minerals, including acai, Mangosteen, and melatonin. Their Sleep Synergy Blend engages with your natural rhythms to ease you into consistent and complete sleep cycles. It tastes great, improves sleep, and best of all, it won’t leave you groggy the next morning; instead you’ll wake up feeling refreshed and better than ever.

Now that’s what I’m talking about, using a supplement that will help me feel, refreshed, alert, and bursting with natural energy that lasts all day.  There are so many great benefits when you put 6 HOUR SLEEP to the test! I know you may have a few questions so let me address them now.

How much 6 HOUR SLEEP should I drink?

When consuming 6 HOUR SLEEP, we recommend adults drink a full 2 oz. bottle of the 6 HOUR SLEEP shot. If you find that 6 HOUR SLEEP is having a stronger effect than you want, you should try using half a bottle instead.

When should I drink 6 HOUR SLEEP?

6 HOUR SLEEP should be consumed approximately 20 minutes before you want to go to sleep. It should also be consumed at any other time you may want to promote restorative sleep such as on an airplane or when you want to take a mid-day nap.

Are there any long term side effects with the ingredients in 6 HOUR SLEEP?

6 HOUR SLEEP is non-habit forming. Having conducted extensive research on each of 6 HOUR SLEEP’s active ingredients, we are not aware of any confirmed long-term side effects.

What is the Sugar and Calorie content in 6 HOUR SLEEP?

6 HOUR SLEEP contains zero calories and no sugar.

Also remember that 6 HOUR SLEEP is not intended for pregnant or nursing women nor is it recommended for anyone under the age of 18. You can visit 6 HOUR SLEEP FAQ to see more details.


So no matter what your schedule is or how hectic your lifestyle maybe, if you sleep better tonight, you can take on tomorrow with ease. 6 HOUR SLEEP will give you back the energy your body needs to kick starting your day, stay focus, perform at your best, keep you in a good mood, and provide clarity.

Now you can win a 12 Pack of 6HR Sleep & a SlipSilk Pillowcase Queen (Retail Value $110) Enter below USA only 9/29 – 10/12 12:00am est.



a Rafflecopter giveaway


Remember to also follow 6 HOUR SLEEP via Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Shop6HourSLEEP

About Author


Wife, mother, grandma, blogger, all wrapped into one person. Lover of coffee, crime shows as well as humor. Loyalty, honesty and positivity is what attracts me to a person as that is what I try to project to others. Hard working and driven to a fault helps me help others and in turn helps myself in my daily work and life.

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