5 Reasons You and Your Family Deserve a Vacation This Year


Pause for a moment as you read these words. Take a deep breath, smile and pat yourself on the back. The past two pandemic-filled years have been rough, but you survived like that determined little locomotive that could. 

Any accomplishment of this magnitude is worthy of a reward. However, you didn’t do it alone — your clan was there with you. In case you need more convincing, here are five reasons you and your family deserve a vacation this year. 

1. You Could Use a Dose of Vitamin D 

Dr. Fauci became a household name over the past 24 months. His recommendation for boosting your immune health? Supplement with vitamins C and D. However, you don’t need a pill to get the latter. Vitamin D is, in reality, a hormone your body manufactures with a little sun exposure. 

If your WFH and homeschooling schedule has you staring at the same four walls for much of each day, chances are, you could use a bit more sunlight. Going on vacation gives you plenty of time to soak up some rays. Remember that radiation reflects off snow and water, potentially causing sunburn and dry skin. Use sunscreen with the right SPF, including a protective lip balm to keep your pucker kissable after submerging in saltwater. 

2. You’ll Boost Your Productivity 

Newsflash: the great resignation has nothing to do with the oft-quoted “people not wanting to work anymore.” Rather, it’s more about wanting to be suitably rewarded for effort, for your compensation and benefits to provide you with, if not a comfortable, at least a satisfactory life where your basic needs are met. It’s also driven by people’s intrinsic desire to make a meaningful difference in their world through their work. 

However, you don’t perform as well when you’re exhausted and burned out, even if your profession entails helping others. Ask just about any health care professional these days. Human beings need the right balance of rest and productivity to perform at their peak. 

This idea isn’t fluff — research bears it out. Researcher Sabine Sontag of the University of Mannheim in Germany finds that disengaging from work off the clock gives you more resilience and problem-solving power when you punch back in. 

What you do off the clock also matters — it’s best if it relaxes you. Researchers from the University of California, San Francisco, looked at the impact of a resort vacation versus a meditation retreat on stress levels and immune function. Both groups showed a boost in antiviral activity, but most resort participants reported less stress. The moral? Don’t make your vacation a working one — yes, you can include yoga and chanting om, but only if it genuinely relaxes you.

3. You’ll Increase Your Marriage Intimacy 

Humans are innately social, and your relationship with the one you love can be your greatest source of comfort — or stress. If you start to lose your passion and spark, you could feel lonely. If resentment grows long enough, you could find yourself dealing with the financial and emotional ramifications of divorce. 

Going on vacation gives you time to reconnect with the people you hold most dear, including your partner. Pro-tip: spring for a hotel with adjoining rooms if your children are school-aged. You and your partner can enjoy a little “solo” getaway time after the kids go to bed. Another option is a suite with a separate bedroom where you can cuddle and chat on the couch after dark. 

Prepare while you pack your bags. Make a note of the instructions for intimacy exercises you can do with your partner and reestablish your bond while you’re away. 

4. You’ll Reignite Your Passion for Life 

Has your life become a matter of dull routine? What gives you passion and zest? If you haven’t asked yourself these questions since high school, it’s time to reconnect with what you love about life. Vacation provides the ideal opportunity. 

When planning your vacation, let each member of your family select an activity — even if others roll their eyes. As long as it’s safe, allow everyone to explore anything from swimming with the dolphins to taking surfing lessons.  

5. It’s Been 2+ Years of Uncertainty

Lordy, lordy — is there anyone out there who isn’t exhausted and frazzled after two years of living through a pandemic? The past 24 months have been fraught with high-stakes decisions. Where can you find a rapid test if you develop symptoms? How can you make ends meet if you’re an hourly worker barely scraping by who has to quarantine? Making it through the gamut this far is more than ample reason to reward yourself and your family with a break. 

Please keep in mind that you don’t have to spend much at all to take a getaway. If your children are older, you might not need to do much more than load up the family truckster with your camping gear and head to your favorite hidden destination. 

What if you’re one of the unfortunate souls who can’t power down, lest your abbreviated hourly paycheck not cover your rent? See if you can get creative. Maybe you can’t afford to take a full day — but could you “play hooky” by leaving a few hours early on a Friday to spend a long weekend in the woods with the family?

Reasons You and Your Family Deserve a Vacation This Year 

The last two years have been brutal — and still, the pandemic continues. It’s beyond an understatement to say most folks could do with a hard-earned break. Consider the five reasons above that you and your family deserve a vacation this year and start making your plans today. It’s easier to smile when you’re anticipating your next holiday.

About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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2 years ago

You are right, now is a difficult time and each of us deserves to rest. Prepare in advance an entertainment program for your vacation. My family and I are also planning to go to Miami. Found many interesting places in Miami arts and culture here

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will james
2 years ago

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