3 Ways to Reveal an Older Home’s Inner Beauty


Looking for a few inexpensive and easy ways to bring back the spark to your old home? Check out these three simple decorating ideas that can give your “mature” home the youthful spark it deserves. 

1. Paint Boldly to Reflect Your Personality

Adding a touch of paint to any older home will, of course, freshen up its appearance. But a fresh coat of paint can achieve so much more than simply concealing your home’s age. In fact, choosing the right paint colors can reveal the distinct character of your home, while also expressing something about your unique personality and style. 

For example, a wall with family photos or art can be a great choice for a pop of bright, joyful color. Additionally, accent walls are attention-grabbing and send a powerful statement about how you feel about a room. Look for fun color combinations, too. A chrome yellow or purple may look overwhelming on its own, but combine it with a gentle color, and the overall effect may suddenly become just right: vibrant and energizing, yet relaxing to live in. 

The trick with paint is not to rush into a decision. Spend time looking at swatches and be sure to get a sense of how your short-list of colors look at different times of the day. Oh, and if you have trouble visualizing it all, you might want to play with one of many handy paint visualization tools.

2. Add an Element of Surprise with Funky Focal Points

An older home can feature tons of character. Cracks as well as wear and tear are part of what gives a venerable home its charm. But let’s face it: Some corners here and there might have a little bit too much character. In these instances, a fresh and startling decorating piece is a great way to rejuvenate a room that looks a little worn around the edges. 

A great place to begin your search for that perfect funky focal point is to head on over to Jerome’s Furniture. Look for fun pairings by combining a striking piece of wall art with a speckle of colorful throw pillows. Before you know it, a once drab room can gain a personality all its own. Dealing with a small or dark room? A well-placed mirror adds both light and the illusion of extra space. 

Also, bear in mind people are tactile! A scattering of chunky cushions and a few well-placed coarse-grained wooden boxes will give your guests something to touch and look at. And nothing brings life to an old home quicker than creating a feast for the senses. 

3. Know That Good Lighting Will Make Your Home Shine

It’s easy to overlook the profound impact of good lighting on interior decorating. Light, of course, affects how we see color. But it also changes how we perceive textures and shapes, as well as how we subjectively feel about a room. Many old homes lack natural light, making the right lighting choices even more important. 

One cheap and easy way to rejuvenate a dark room with no windows is to replace your light bulbs, preferably with a light that leans toward the whiter end of the color spectrum. Less is sometimes more, though. So, experiment with different energy levels to find a light intensity that’s pure and illuminating without being overwhelming. 

Don’t be afraid of color, either. Many LED smart lights allow you to select your color of choice at the touch of a button. Entertaining? Dial up a bright, vibrant hue. Looking for something to set a more soothing ambience? Go for a muted warm light that casts soft shadows. 

Oh, and here’s a lighting pro-tip: While you’re updating your lighting, why not choose bulbs that will make a dent in your energy bill?

Reveal Your Home’s Inner Beauty

An old home doesn’t have to look faded and past its prime. Instead, make it a point to accentuate its character while livening up those faded edges with these three, fun and easy decorating options. Have fun with it!

About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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gun mayhem 2
5 years ago

For example, a wall with family photos or art can be a great choice for a pop of bright, joyful color. Additionally, accent walls are attention-grabbing and send a powerful statement about how you feel about a room. Look for fun color combinations, too.

Amar Kumar
5 years ago

Hello Ladonna,

Glad to read your interesting post. Making a home beautiful is every homeowner’s dream and there are simple and easy things that most anyone can do to improve and beautify their home. With the hundreds of creative ideas found in the area of design, there is no shortage as to what can be done to make your abode more beautiful.
