The Perfect Hobbies for This Winter


Being a mom doesn’t mean that you should give up on having time for you. It can seem as if your children are taking up every hour of the day, but if you want your kids to experience the best quality time with you, it’s important to take the opportunity to explore your own potential.

Yes, you might think that using your sports betting app to place a few wagers is enough of a hobby to keep you busy in your limited downtime. Yet while that’s a lot of fun, you should be branching out a little more. It’s time to find a pastime that excites you and allows you to blow off steam. When you try an activity that allows you to express yourself and take pride in your achievements, you become a more well-rounded person and a more effective parent.

It may seem as if winter is a terrible time to begin a new hobby, but in fact there’s no better time of year to try something new. The cold weather may keep us indoors, but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t anything to keep you busy and creative. Here are just a few great ideas for winter pastimes to try your hand at this year.

Try Blogging

If you’ve never thought about blogging before it’s time to give it a try. There are few hobbies which are so fun and rewarding but which also allow you to spend time at home where you can keep an eye on the kids. Blogging also allows you to express yourself, to share your ideas and inspire others, and the feedback you can receive from other people can truly boost your self-esteem. Choose any subject you like and get writing!

Pick Up A Pen For Calligraphy

It’s a little known fact that Steve Jobs’ first computer typography was based on calligraphy skills which he picked up at college. Regarded as one of the six arts by Confucius, calligraphy is believed to be a perfect way of refining your temperament. This art form could be the ideal way to de-stress and to reset your focus, and even better, you can use your skills to earn a little extra money on the side by designing invitations and cards.

Stock Your Pantry By Canning Foods

This hobby isn’t just fun, it’s also incredibly useful. After all, you’ll be creating something that the whole family can enjoy for weeks and months to come. If you always find that you’re tossing vegetables and fruit into the trash because they’ve gone past their sell-by date it’s time to try your hand at canning. This stops the spoiling process so you can keep food for much longer. It’s an affordable hobby and it’s very rewarding when you look at all those cans lined up on your shelves!

Learn To Whip Up A Treat With Cookery Classes

If you aren’t a whizz in the kitchen, it’s time to focus your attention on learning how to cook. You could take a class or simply buy a book and start practicing the recipes. Everybody needs to eat, and everybody loves a good cook. Your kids will really appreciate the delicious treats that you whip up and you’ll also be able to enjoy socializing with others when you start hosting dinner parties.

Try Needlework

Although embroidery might seem like something that ladies used to do during the 18th century, it’s actually becoming a popular hobby again thanks to the way it allows you to express yourself. It improves your mental acuity and dexterity while also giving your creativity a boost and when you’ve finished your project you’ll have something beautiful to treasure forever, whether it’s a wall hanging, a bag, a pillowcase or a handkerchief.

Flower Arranging For Good Mental Health

Studies have shown that flowers can have an instant impact to boost your well-being and mental health. Flower arranging allows you to spend time around beautiful flowers, creating lovely arrangements that will decorate your home. You can also create arrangements that make perfect gifts for loved ones.

Discover Your Ancestry

One popular hobby at the moment is discovering your ancestors with the many genealogy websites online. It’s very satisfying to find out where your family has its roots, and you’re sure to get caught up in the excitement of tracing your ancestors from centuries gone by.

Jewelry Making – A Creative Hobby

It’s never too late to teach yourself the skills of jewelry making. You can create beautiful necklaces, earrings, and bracelets with just a few tools, wires and beads. You can easily pick up the supplies online or at a local craft store and you can unleash your imagination to design pieces for yourself and for your loved ones.

Get Knitting

Just like embroidery, knitting might seem to be a dying art, but in fact, many people today have picked up needles again and have started learning how to make sweaters, scarves, and socks. You could find that knitting stimulates your mind and even alleviates depression symptoms, having a peaceful, calming effect on your mind and helping you to feel proud and satisfied.

Learn A Language

Learning a language may take a lot of dedication and time, but it offers a host of benefits, not least for improving the health of your brain. Language learning has been proven to delay the onset of dementia and helps you to stay sharp. Not only that, it can open up a brand new world of opportunities. You can communicate effectively when you go on vacation and it could even reveal new work possibilities for you. Not to mention the fact that you’ll feel a great sense of accomplishment.

Practice Meditation

Being a mom can be stressful. If you’re finding it hard to cope with the everyday pressures of life as a busy parent, you could try practicing meditation and mindfulness. Meditation isn’t just a hobby, it’s a great way to improve your mental well-being. It’s well-known to reduce anxiety, to relieve depression and even to help prevent physical diseases. It also helps to give you some relief from the everyday demands of your life and improves your focus.

Developing Your Artistic Skills

Even if you’ve never considered yourself to be an artist, it could be time to try your hand at a new artistic skill. Painting, sculpting, drawing or mosaic-work could be the ideal way to express yourself and you could uncover a new talent. Everybody is able to improve their abilities and can become a proficient amateur artist and you’ll also have decorative items to adorn your home.

Branching Out Into New Pastimes

Are you ready to try your hand at something that allows you to focus on you instead of the kids? Then any of these fun winter hobbies suggested here could be the perfect place to start. Remember, the time you spend on yourself will allow you to recharge your batteries so you can spend more quality time with your little ones.

About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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4 years ago

Clothing repair and adjustments is a neat hobby too! This winter I want to get better at hemming delicate fabrics and turning old pants into shorts/capri pants!

4 years ago

I think learning a new language will be fun. Being able to speak another language can help you make better decisions. It can improve your memory and it can also develop the ability of multitasking.

4 years ago

Great list, I will definitely recommend this article to my wife.

4 years ago

Knitting is my top winter hobby. It’s not only soothing but also useful. Last winter I knitted a hat with a scarf. The year before – a cozy sweater. Try it and you’ll never regret your decision. (Only if you’re impatient)

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Best cheap but fun hobbies that you can get into:-
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Fermenting wine.
Become a movie buff.