Practical Tips for Writing Better College Essays


Every writer has tales of the challenges they go through every day. No writer has a smooth ride every single time and those who do also suffer from the problem of repetition. Some have problems starting an essay and will often seek articles that offer them different ways to start an essay. So, you may ask yourself, how can I improve? Can I keep a great essay writing streak going? Well, here are some practical tips to help you maintain and improve your writing experience.

Read other people’s works

You cannot grow as a writer if you do not read other people’s works. Do not bask in your ego and pride and forget that other people are better than you. So, take time and read their works. By reading other people’s works, several things can happen. The first one is that you will interact with other writing styles. These will help you understand how other writers achieve the same goal as you through writing. The second thing is that you will also see how different authors approach different issues and the perspectives they deduce from a topic. You could, for example, struggle with how to start an essay about yourself. But, after reading another author’s article, it could offer you a better approach.

Enhance your vocabulary

People buy college essays for sale online for different reasons. Some people are busy, others use English as their second language and thus do not have a rich repository of vocabularies. For the latter, it is crucial that one takes the necessary steps to enhance their vocabulary and this entails a lot of reading. Without proper vocabulary, it will be quite difficult to write better essays or to even improve your writing. You also need to understand the structure of sentences and gather some knowledge about semantics and syntax. These are errors that can deduct a lot of marks for you. So, take time out of your normal school schedule and learn some new vocabulary as well as semantic and syntax errors.

Plan the writing process

If you already have a topic for your essay, do not start right away. Doing this often leads to an impasse and you will exhaust your points. You need to organize your writing process and write down all the ideas you have about your topic. As you start, you will have a lot of ideas and it can be confusing at times. However, do not panic or be in any hurry. Take your time and document all the ideas and points that come to mind. Organizing or planning your writing process makes it easy to write the entire essay without any breaks. So, slow down and write down all your thoughts and points before you develop an approach.

Use the available writing resources

There are thousands of writing resources available to help writers perfect their writing skills. One of the resources available online is With such a resource, you can have someone generate an outline for you or proofread and critique your article. Others will also help you by giving you a credible essay map that you can follow and write a great essay. There are other resources that will provide you with samples on the topic you are writing about. You can also find others that will help you enhance your grammar or check for any similarity with other articles online. Do not ignore these resources because they do come in handy.

Go beyond the reading list

At times, students limit themselves because of sticking to the essay instructions. If your topic is holistic, it is okay to use other sources to gather information. For example, if your instructor asks you what is an essay, chances are that you not find the answer in your reading list. So, it is always okay to inquire from other sources and gather as much information as you can to help enhance your article. It is okay to seek more information and learn more about a topic. Sticking to the same instructions will lead to a narrow view of the topic you are handling. So, take time and read other articles and studies to help enrich your essay.

Write interesting introductions

The introduction of your essay is the most important part of your essay. It communicates to your audience what you wish to say in the body of your essay. It does this by holding the main argument of the essay which is the thesis statement. The thesis statement appears in the introduction and it tells your audience what you intend to say and why. An essay introduction can be short but the most impactful part of your article. People make the decision to read an article after reading the introduction. So, if you do not pay close attention to your introduction, chances are that your audience will be basking in boredom.

Summarize your essay

This means write a good conclusion. Here, you need to be careful and avoid using cliché conclusion sentence starters. Be creative and avoid over-using starters like “in conclusion, to sum it all up, etc.” These are all cliché conclusion starters. Your creativity in writing the conclusion will determine whether your essay will leave a mark on your audience or not. If you wish to leave a mark on your audience, then use different conclusion paragraph starters. It helps when you use suspense throughout your conclusion and leave your audience expecting more. If your audience always anticipates and sees the ending coming, then you are using a cliché way of concluding.

Editing and proofreading your essay

Skipping this part can cost you a grade. After you are through writing an essay, do not submit it immediately. Take some time off the essay and unwind. After a few hours, come back to your essay and re-read it noting any grammatical and syntax errors. Make sure your essay flows well and that all the parts of the essay gel. You can earn low marks because you forget or ignore this last step before submission. For example, you could be fond of writing very short introductions. However, these could land you in trouble especially if they fail to capture everything you need to capture in the introduction.

In conclusion, there is room for improvement for every writer in the world. Everyone struggles with some issues in writing. For the experts, the main issue that plagues them is repetition. For those who are starting, the problems are many and vary from grammatical to syntax errors. You need to know that you can improve and that there are ways to help you improve. So, keep writing and practicing. We know you will get there.

About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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5 years ago

Just in case you do not have sufficient writing skills to get your job done there are simply plenty of online resources where you can attain great writing services although it would be nice enough to do it on your own. Although it would be tough at first place but with constantly keeping this practice it would have been going smoothly

5 years ago

Great tips, essays are really easy work. You will see that in College you often also need to write research papers. Then the difficulties begin. First you study the essential parts of a research paper, then you dig into topics, study a lot of literature, do research.