What Do Breast Pumps Do?


Breast pumps are a crucial tool for nursing mothers, facilitating the expression of breast milk when direct breastfeeding is not possible or practical. This technology offers freedom and flexibility, allowing mothers to maintain their milk supply, provide for their infants, and manage their schedules with greater ease.

About Breast Pumps

A breast pump is a mechanical device that lactating women use to extract milk from their breasts. It is a pivotal resource for mothers who are returning to work, experiencing issues with breastfeeding, or simply need to rest and allow others to feed the baby. The device works by creating suction to draw the milk out, mimicking the natural nursing rhythm of an infant.

Types of Breast Pumps

Feature Manual Breast Pump Powered Breast Pump
Operation Operated by hand (lever or handle) Driven by electric motor or batteries
Suction Control Fixed based on manual effort Adjustable levels of suction and speed
Portability Highly portable, no power required Portable, though often bulkier than manual pumps
Use Case Ideal for occasional use Designed for frequent use
Noise Level Very quiet, suitable for discreet pumping Quiet models available, varies by design
Power Requirement None Electricity or batteries
Ease of Use Simple design, easy to use and clean More complex settings, but easier long-term use
Accessories Fewer accessories, simple setup Often comes with various flanges, cushions, etc.
Best For Travel, infrequent pumping, discreet environments Regular use, maintaining milk supply, convenience


Manual Breast Pump

To use it, the user typically engages a lever or squeezes a handle, which creates suction on the breast, simulating the natural sucking motion of a baby. The simplicity of its design lends itself to high portability and ease of use, making it an excellent choice for mothers who may not have regular access to power or prefer a quieter and more discreet option.

These pumps are especially useful for mothers who pump occasionally. Their compact size makes them easy to carry in a diaper bag or purse, and they require no electrical power, which means they can be used anywhere at any time. The quiet operation is ideal for night-time sessions or in environments where privacy and discretion are needed, such as offices or while traveling.

Powered Breast Pump

Powered breast pumps, on the other hand, give a more automated solution. They are typically driven by an electric motor or batteries, which provide the suction needed to extract milk. The eminent advantage of powered pumps is the ability to adjust settings. Which means that users can select different levels of suction and speeds to mimic their baby’s natural nursing patterns, helping stimulate a more efficient milk flow and reduce pumping time.

Power breat pumps are made for frequent use and can significantly ease the burden for mothers who are establishing and maintaining a milk supply, particularly when they are away from their baby for long periods. Many models are equipped with features like memory settings that remember your preferred pumping patterns, LCD screens for easy monitoring of settings, and timers to track pumping duration.

In addition, modern powered pumps often come with accessories designed to enhance comfort, such as multiple flange sizes and soft silicone cushions that help create a better seal and reduce discomfort during pumping. Some high-end models even feature quiet technology that allows them to operate with minimal noise, less disruptive in a shared space.

Is a Hands-Free Breast Pump Worth It?

Hands-free breast pumps are a big advancement in pumping technology. For they allow mothers to express milk without holding the pumps, enabling them to to multitask or simply relax. Quite an enhancement in mobility and convenience.

For instance, the Momcozy Mobile Flow™ Hands-Free Breast Pump | M9 exemplifies top-tier technology in this category. With a powerful 3rd-gen motor providing strong suction up to -300mmHg, it increases milk output effectively. Its seamless integration with the Momcozy app allows for personalization of pumping patterns, ensuring mothers can adjust the settings according to their comfort and needs. The DoubleFit™ flange offers a snug fit, while the device’s streamlined design simplifies the milk expression process, highlighting unmatched convenience and portability.

Is it Safe to Rent or Share a Breast Pump?

Renting or sharing breast pumps that aren’t designed for multiple users can be risky. These types of pumps, including many manual and single-user electric models, are meant for individual use because they cannot be completely sterilized after each session. Invisible bacteria and other harmful particles can remain on the pump and its components, posing health risks for both mother and baby.

If you must rent or share a breast pump, ensure it is a model specifically intended for multiple users. These pumps are engineered so that the milk doesn’t come into contact with the pump’s motor or shared parts, minimizing the risk of contamination. Always use your own set of accessories, such as tubing, breast shields, and containers, to maintain personal hygiene and safety. This approach helps ensure that the pump use is sanitary while protecting the health of all users involved.

How Should Breast Milk be Stored After Expressing?

Proper storage of breast milk is vital to maintain its nutritional and immunological benefits. After expressing milk, it should be stored in clean, sterilized containers. Refrigerated milk stays fresh for up to five days at temperatures of 4°C (39°F) or lower. For extended storage, freezing the milk is recommended, which can be safely stored for up to six months.

Final Words

Breast pumps serve as an invaluable aid for nursing mothers, offering them the liberty to continue breastfeeding under various circumstances. The choice of breast pump—whether manual, electric, or hands-free—depends on individual needs, lifestyle, and preferences. With advancements such as the Momcozy Mobile Flow™ Hands-Free Breast Pump, the process becomes not only easier but also more integrated into daily life, enabling mothers to nurture their babies with their precious milk, even amidst busy schedules and commitments.


Can I use a breast pump immediately after delivery?

Yes, you can start using a breast pump immediately after delivery, especially if you are facing challenges with direct breastfeeding or if your baby is unable to latch properly. Pumping can help stimulate milk production and ensure that your baby receives adequate nutrition from the start.

Can I use a breast pump to induce lactation if I haven’t given birth?

Yes, a breast pump can be used to induce lactation even if you haven’t been pregnant. This process requires consistent and frequent pumping sessions to stimulate the breasts and encourage milk production. Consulting with a lactation expert can provide a tailored plan and additional strategies to enhance the likelihood of successful lactation.

Is a hands-free breast pump the same as a wearable breast pump?

No, they are not the same. Hands-free breast pumps require a special setup to stay in place but may still involve external tubes or wires. Wearable breast pumps are completely integrated into a bra, allowing for full mobility without any external components.

How long does it typically take to pump milk, and how much milk should I expect?

The duration of pumping sessions can vary widely among mothers, but typically, it takes about 15 to 20 minutes per session. The amount of milk expressed can differ due to various factors including the time of day, diet, hydration levels, and the age of the baby. On average, mothers might expect anywhere from 0.5 ounces to 2 ounces per breast per session during the early weeks.

Are there any dietary considerations I should follow to improve milk production while using a breast pump?

Yes, maintaining a balanced diet rich in nutrients is crucial for milk production. Hydration is particularly important, so increasing fluid intake is recommended. Foods known to potentially boost milk production include oats, almonds, and fenugreek. However, each mother’s response to different foods can vary, so it might help to monitor how specific changes affect your milk supply.

What should I do if my breast pump is causing pain or discomfort?

If you experience pain or discomfort, first ensure that the breast pump flange size is correct for your breasts; an improper fit can cause pain. Also, adjust the suction level on the pump as higher settings are not always better and might cause discomfort. If issues persist, consult with a lactation consultant for a proper fitting and personalized advice.

How often should I clean my breast pump, and what’s the best method to do so?

Breast pump parts that come into contact with milk should be cleaned after every use to maintain hygiene and functionality. Use hot, soapy water to thoroughly wash these parts, followed by a rinse in clean water and air drying on a clean towel. Some parts may also be suitable for sterilization in a microwave steam bag or dishwasher, depending on the manufacturer’s guidelines.

About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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