Don’t Forget About These Areas During Your Garden Renovation


Do you want to do some work on your garden this year? It’s a pretty big renovation to get done. After all, the garden is an open space where a lot can go wrong, get messy, and need continual upgrading throughout the year. You’re going to need some time and energy to make things look good out there. 

However, even with the amount of work you can put into the garden, there are still quite a few areas that get neglected or go forgotten. When you’re looking over your landscape after everything is all done, these areas will stick out like a sore thumb, and could even entirely ruin the look you’re going for. You definitely don’t want that over the summer! 

So let’s go through a little list of garden areas and elements that will need more of your attention. If you’re going to be digging up the lawn and planting new seedlings, these should definitely not be forgotten! 

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Lawn Edging and Borders

Every garden has a lawn, no matter how small. Even if it’s only a square foot in each direction, you’ve got a little lawn in the garden that helps to bring some greenery into the mini biome you’ve created. 

Some people believe that lawns are the focal point of a garden, and should take up as much space as possible. If you’ve got a large lawn, there’s a lot more space to move around, meaning kids can play out there and you can host big parties and BBQs out there. That’s why adding lawn space is one of the most popular garden renovations. 

However, if you want to create a more cohesive and creative space, focus on lawn edging and putting in man made borders. This way you can prevent the grass from creeping across into other areas, such as a rock garden or the kitchen garden you’ve set up. This also means far less weeds sprouting up around the place as well! 

Creeping Fence Plants 

If you’ve got creeping plants in the garden, prune them within an inch of their life! This serves for both those who hate these kinds of plants and those who love them – cutting them back can make them grow back stronger, but for the meantime, it keeps them under control. 

If you leave a creeping plant to its own devices for too long, it can spread over other structures in the garden (including the back of your house), and the growth can soon get out of control. If you don’t like the look of ivy covering a red brick house beneath, this is something to put at the top of your garden renovation to-do list! 

Underside of Patios and Decking

What’s underneath your patio? Or if you have a deck, what’s underneath that? Laying the groundwork for both of these features, and laying it properly, will keep both the materials on top and the soil beneath healthy. 

Not only does this give you a more balanced foundation to work on, but it prevents moisture issues – as well as erupting weeds – coming through the other side. Check underneath your patio or deck from time to time to see how the layers are getting on. If anything is ripping or falling apart, replace it ASAP.

Weeds and Invasive Plants

Weeds and invasive plants can crop up anywhere, even if you’ve been actively beating them back since the moment you started gardening. Seeds can be carried on all kinds of things, including visiting wildlife and the wind, and most of these seeds will have evolved in the first place to be moved easily and take route even in the hardest of conditions. 

You can help prevent weeds from taking route, however, with a healthy layer of mulch and growing plants as close to each other as possible. If there’s less room in the soil for plants you don’t want to see, their roots are going to struggle to find a home. 

The Back Side of Your House

The exterior of your home is just as much a part of your garden as anything else. It’s a structural element, much like the fence around the border, or a summerhouse or shed you’ve built. 

Because of this, keep an eye on the way it looks and how that feeds into the rest of your landscape. If you notice a few visual issues, something more troubling could be going on beneath. 

As such, get in touch with a contractor who knows how to work with landscaping and weather resistant, outdoor materials; exterior specialists like Iron River Construction are best for a job like this. They’ll be able to fit new materials in a way that’ll last, and when someone else is doing the hard work, you can sit back and relax for a few days! 

Upgrading the Shed

Do you have a shed in your garden? Don’t let it sit there, untouched and unloved, while you renovate the rest of the garden around it. Sheds can be taken down and replaced, expanded for more storage space, as well as painted, varnished, and made to fit into the general aesthetic. There’s a lot you can do with a shed!

So upgrade it! Give it a facelift, and if it’s sitting there doing nothing, think about how it can be used. Maybe you could turn it into a greenhouse? Or maybe it could become a cozy reading area for those long summer evenings? 

It’s up to you, just as long as you make good use of it. You’ll then have a ready-to-work shed that serves the garden, rather than simply taking up space that could be a planter bed or new patio area. 

Renovating a garden is a big job with a lot of ongoing work. To make sure you’re not out there 24/7 with gloves on and a trowel in hand, include the above areas in your to-do list from day one. Your garden is going to look great when you’re done!

About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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Nathan DSP
2 months ago

Great article! While planning your garden upgrade, don’t overlook your pool area. Pool maintenance is not as difficult as people might think, especially with modern conveniences like robotic pool cleaners. These devices can significantly ease the burden, keeping your pool sparkling clean with minimal effort. Happy gardening and swimming!