One in ten women experiences infertility. So if you’re struggling to get pregnant, you’re not alone. It’s important to know what health and wellness factors impact fertility.
If you’re wondering about what causes infertility, we’ve listed the top five below.
1. Physical Issues
The most common causes of infertility in women are physical. You may have a problem with your uterus, fallopian tubes, or ovulation. You may also have a low number of eggs.
Within the uterus, the most common issues are fibroids and polyps, which can develop as women age. Others are septums or adhesions, which are either there at birth or develop after surgeries.
STDs can cause pelvic inflammatory disease. This affects the fallopian tubes and can contribute to infertility as a result.
More commonly, a woman may have trouble ovulating. She may suffer from a thyroid condition or abuse drugs. She may have a hormonal imbalance that irregulates her ovulation cycle.
Finally, some eggs simply do not fertilize. This could be due to chromosomal issues and can affect some or all of a woman’s eggs. As a woman gets older, it can be harder for her eggs to develop into a fetus as well.
2. Age
Speaking of age, it’s another contributor to infertility. Starting at age 32, a woman’s fertility begins to decline. After that, the rate of infertility increases more with each passing year.
It starts to take longer to get pregnant, too. At 35, your odds of conceiving within three months drops to 12%.
Not only does fertility decline with age, but more complications can occur. Miscarriages are more common for women in their 30s and 40s. Genetic abnormalities are also more likely.
3. Poor Nutrition
Women who are underweight or overweight may struggle to get pregnant. Diets high in sugar and saturated fats have been found to increase infertility as well.
If you want to boost your odds of getting pregnant, eat lots of unsaturated fats, fish, and vegetables. Avoid processed foods and sweets.
You can also improve your nutrition by taking natural fertility supplements. These can help you maintain a proper balance of nutrients.
4. Smoking and Alcohol
There’s no doubt that smoking and alcohol are bad for your overall health. But this includes your likelihood of getting pregnant. If you’re trying to have a baby, consider whether you’re willing to cut the cord on these two habits.
Cut back on these substances slowly. Proper nutrition, exercise, and female fertility supplements can help support your overall health.
5. Stress Levels
Yes, even stress can impact your ability to get pregnant. Chronic stress impacts the immune system and takes a heavy toll on the body. It can cause inflammation too, leading to a host of other diseases.
Make sure you’re not putting added pressure on yourself to get pregnant. Incorporate soothing practices into your life, like exercise, meditation, or time with friends.
Eat well and make sure you view more information on fertility supplements to see if they’re right for you.
Maintain Health and Wellness
Your personal health and wellness play a huge role in whether you’re able to get pregnant. Taking care of yourself should be the first step on your road to fertility.
For more on fertility and pregnancy, visit our Parenting section.
Despite this, if you still dream of having children, I advise you to consider other options. I advise you to learn more about surrogacy from the International Fertility Group. This is a responsible decision, it must be made consciously, taking into account all the details