If there was one accessory that seems to slip past everyone’s attention, it would probably be the wallet. The reason might be because people, usually men, hide it in their pocket as soon as they get it out. This does not mean however that it can’t be something stylish or fashionable. You can even go a bit crazy and choose a custom leather wallet.
Sure, the wallet can seem as a utility the same way that a hammer or a screwdriver is. They serve a purpose and their value is based on that purpose. And that is the exact mindset that has to be fixed. We can’t keep treating the wallet like we do our tools. Sure we don’t want, or need for that matter, to spruce up our tool box. But a less than presentable cool wallets can actually say something about your personality more than anything else.
Choosing a wallet should be simple right? Perhaps. But there are certainly some things that you want to make sure that you get right. Wallets, are after all, going to be on you for most times of the day. There are some few factors that you have to consider to make sure that you have the right wallet. In this article, we are going to talk about something a bit more trickier. And that is what to do to choose the right custom leather wallet.
Importance Of Choosing The Right Custom Leather Wallet
People need to give more importance to their wallets. And when something is especially made, there are certainly a few more decisions that you have to make. But just because you have to do a bit more work, that does not mean that it would not be worth it. Custom leather wallets allow you to choose exactly what you want. Subtle imprints, patterns, leather color, or even the kinds of pockets it has are all customizable. So, you will be able to wear your wallet the way you want to.
Like mentioned, the wallet is primarily a utility but it cannot be denied that it does have fashion value. Choosing your wallet properly will ensure that you will be able to use a wallet to your liking both as a tool and as an accessory. It is important to carefully pick your customizations. Overdoing it could make your wallet look like a sunday school lunch box. But if you do not put enough effort, you could end up with something bland and waste the chance to customize it to make it stand out.
Custom Leather Wallet Has To be Prim
Although customization means that you can add a bit of something to the simple wallet, it does not mean that you should get too crazy. The last thing that you want is for your custom leather wallet to look like something from a kid’s art class. There is a reason why most wallets are simple and that is because it should not go against every other fashion item that you are wearing. It should be subtle and discreet yet stylish enough to be noticed if that was the intention.
There is of course always the option to go for the simplest possible custom leather wallet. You could simply just put your initials as the only customization. Minimalist approaches tend to be overlooked when it comes to customization given that it basically is the opposite of what customizing should be. One more reason why simple may be better is because you want to be able to use your wallet no matter the situation. Be it a dinner party, a visit to the mall, or basic grocery shopping, you want to make sure that your wallet will not go against the situation. And finally, if you have a complex wardrobe, you would not want to keep switching wallets to make sure that it goes with your overall appearance.
Custom Leather Wallet Size Matters
Wallets should be small enough to fit your back pocket but should be big enough to fit all your cards and cash. As you know, oversized wallets are not very pretty to look at and you don’t want your wallet to be mistaken for a clutch. If it is too small, however, then it may not be very useful. Remember that, first and foremost, the wallet is a utility, and if it fails to serve its purpose then there is reason for carrying it around. One more reason why too small of a wallet can be a bad idea is because the wallet becomes too fat. And I do not have to tell you that a bulge on the pocket or anywhere else is not a look that you want on you.
A good advice that you should remember before having your custom leather wallet made, is to make sure that it will fit all your cards first. Get the wallet, fill it with all your items and see if the shape changes at all. When it comes to custom leather wallets, thin is always better. The last thing that you want to do is to carry less items just because it makes your wallet bulge. This makes your wallet fail to serve its purpose. However, do make an effort to clear out your wallet if you can. If there are old notes or cards that you do not need anymore then make sure to remove them before testing your wallet out.
After you get the right dimensions of the wallet, then you can start the fun. Here is when you start customizing your leather wallet. Pick out the number of card slots. And the number of divisions you want for your bills. Make sure that there is room for every essential item that you need and always consider that you may need more in the future.
When it comes to leather, you want to ensure the quality of the material that you are going to use. Leather wallets are not the social stature symbol as other fixtures like phones but you want your wallet to last as long as possible.