4 reasons why you should be scrapping your car sooner rather than later


It is no secret that a vintage car is a joy to own, however, the trouble often comes when you consider what you see as being vintage and what you see as being just really old. An old car can be full of issues, require a vast amount of work and often will just take up space on your driveway or in a garage.

The last thing that you should be doing is having some kind of sentimental crisis and develop an attachment to your car. Instead, you should definitely be thinking about scrapping it. Does scrapping sound a bit too final for you and your beloved car? If it does then let us share with you 4 reasons why scrapping it is something that you should be doing sooner rather than later and can be done easily online by clicking here.

It is in the way

If your car isn’t going anywhere, then it is just going to be in the way. If it is in your garage then you are likely to have to move around it to get to anything else stored in there. If it is on your drive then this will mean that you won’t have space for any other car that you own, or simply to get in and out of your house with ease.

It is going to make your home look messy

Of course, you can hide away your car in a garage and not worry about anyone else seeing it. But, if it is out on a drive, then it is going to be a bit of an eyesore. This might not worry you too much in the short-term. But in the long-term having a car outside your home that is rusted and past its prime, well that is just going to make the entire property look messy.

It could be dangerous

You might not think that an older car on your property is dangerous, but it actually can be. Peeling paint and possibly leaking fluids, those are both hazardous to your health. Not only this but a car with rust patches and other bodywork issues, is often going to have sharp corners and edges that you could catch yourself on. You may also find that an old car on the property could even be a fire hazard, which is not something that you are going to want to have to deal with.

You might have an infestation

A scrap car is pretty much an open invitation to a whole host of critters and creatures coming to live in it. Insects, mice, rats and even cats, these could all end up choosing to set up their home in your abandoned car! This isn’t only going to be a paint to get rid of, but it could also mean that you need to pay out to get a pest control expert out to sort out the issue.

So, there you have it, 4 reasons why you should definitely book in to scrap your car as soon as you can. Don’t wait, get on the case and let go of your old car and get it scrapped as soon as you can.

About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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Amanda | Sushi and Gelato

The idea of an animal infestation is reason enough! Good reasons to not let an old car sit around. Good article.

4 years ago

I’ve never thought of getting rid of a vehicle because of how it would make my property look from the outside but that’s an interesting thought! I definitely agree that, in the case of a car that isn’t operational, getting it off the property ASAP is the best way to handle it (especially when you mention animal infestations!).

4 years ago

Some people have like a connection to something and can’t let go, especially cars! and if it is vintage. But good article, and information to those who collects old car 🙂

Gervin Khan
Gervin Khan
4 years ago

Definitely a good article to read and it gives us some points that really happens in reality but as other said, it is so hard to let go a things that so important to you most especially a car.

Kristine Nicole Alessandra
Kristine Nicole Alessandra
4 years ago

It was difficult for us to let go of our dad’s car years after he passed away. It was the only visual connection we had of him. When we finally decided we had to let it go, we chose a buyer of old cars who would care for it and give it a new finish, new upholstery and get it back on the road again.

Dianne Salonga
4 years ago

The fact the it will be expensive and messy, we need to check our car often to avoid unexpected check up and if it is needed to sale, do it.

4 years ago

That’s a interesting post about cars. I agree with your points. Lovery article will share with friends.

4 years ago

Love your ideas on this issue. We often get too attached to objects. And the longer you keep them the harder it gets to get rid of them.

Dalene Ekirapa
Dalene Ekirapa
4 years ago

It’s so true that an old car is such a danger around the home especially when it’s super old and rusty. Anyway, I’ve always loved the thought of having a vintage beetle car, although I’ll have to be prepared because it suffers from a lot of maintenance issues. Really hard to maintain.