Metal Fence and Gate Repair or Purchase: How to Decide?


Metal fence repair is a simple activity that can decorate your home and property and make your metal fence seem completely again. However, sometimes it takes more than just cleaning and making these few changes to make an entrance to your home as beautiful as it once were. How to know when to repair your fence and what do you need for it? When a repair is just not an option anymore, is it time to buy a new one?

We bring you this article to reveal all the possibilities when it comes to your metal fencing and how to make your fence or gate shine throughout your whole neighborhood.

Metal fence and gate repair

The fence installed around your property is always the first thing people see when they visit. Some properties have installed fences, other have gates. No matter what you choose for your property, you will have to take care of it eventually as years go by. Metal fencing is definitely subject to weather, corrosion and time. Unless it was hot dip galvanized during the manufacturing process, your fence would eventually become rusted. Also, it may even crack in certain places, or it will just look old due to external factors. We bring you inexpensive tips to help make your fence and gate repair easier.

  1. Removing rust

To make your fence or gate as beautiful as it once were, you will need an emery cloth as it is very efficient with removing the rust from metal fencing. If you use standard sandpaper to remove rust from your metal fence, you will notice it tends to tear quite often. This will not happen with emery cloth as it will not generally tear while wearing down the sharp edges due to rust.

  1. Loose fence posts

If you notice that one or a few of your fence posts are set loose in their concrete base, be careful how you handle it. Yanking, prying or kicking them to become straight again will not provide results as that will only bend the post and weaken the concrete base integrity. Instead, you can take a drill fitted with a concrete drill bit and drill down beside the fence post that is crooked or loosen. Drill out enough around it to set it completely straight and level. Then, use a small amount of quick-drying concrete to refill these drill holes and the fence post will be solid like it was before.

  1. Controlling rust

Controlling rust on your metal garden fencing can be done easily by frequent usage of previously mentioned sandpaper or emery cloth, and a rust neutralizer. It’s possible that you won’t be able to remove all of the rust on your metal fence, but if you achieve a smooth surface to paint over that, that’s more than enough. Before you start repainting your fence or gate, you should apply the rust neutralizer.  

  1. Paint conditioner

If you wish to paint your metal fence or gate in a professional and long-lasting way, you should use a paint conditioner mixed with a primer before you start painting. Paint conditioners will contribute to better surface sealing and making it smoother. Also, it will be a lot easier to take a nice even coat of paint if you apply them. By properly getting rid of rust, preparing the surface of your fence or gate and repainting it, you will be able to repair your own metal fencing. 5. Choice of paint

Now all that is left to do is to paint your fence or gate. To create that finish you want as you’re repainting it, use good direct-to-metal paint. This type of paint will adhere better directly onto a wrought metal fence and will provide with a better-looking finish and shine than standard paints. While painting, do not use a paint glove as they will leave behind fiber that will be visible on your fence or gate. Instead just use rubber gloves with a sock turned outside out!

A time to buy

All good fences and gates need periodic maintenance to keep them functioning properly and looking the best way possible. However, when faced with significant damage, sometimes repair is not an option as it will not fix your fencing problems. Damage repairing takes a lot of your time, and you will still not be sure how long will that solution last. In these cases, you will need to buy a new fence or gate for your property.

First, you will have to decide what type of fencing you want. If you’re not sure, think about the reasons for installing your previous fence or gate. Maybe you appreciate privacy or is the aspect of security more important to you? Whichever your concern might be, fencing should take care of it. Also, you should estimate the cost for your new installation. Take a look at companies offering metal fences and gates and compare their prices to find the one that suits you best. While you’re doing your research, you can always contact some of the companies for a quick consultation. Don’t make a purchase decision until you’re 100% sure that it’s the one for you!


Whether you have a fence or a gate surrounding your property, taking care of it is crucial. Based on the condition of your metal fencing, decide is it enough just to repair it or is it time to go shopping? Either way, you will have to put some effort in order to have a nice, safe, functioning fencing.

About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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Tim Yaotome
5 years ago

I find it helpful when you said that a person can ask for help from a local fence company to get recommendations on which metal fence or gate suits their home and budget the best. When you said that, it reminded me of my vacation home and how worn out its fence is. I will look for one this weekend so that I can have it replaced as soon as possible

Penelope Smith
5 years ago

Thanks for pointing out that you should think about checking the paint color of a fence before purchasing it. I like the idea of having a gray or tan fence. So, it seems like I should check the color options of a fence before I get it installed.