4 Newborn Baby Care Basics to Know


New parents are in for a lifetime of fun, love, and a lot of changes. However, their first year is a phase of adapting and many hours of baby care that often feels like a lot to handle. As long as you know the best way to care for your baby, you have nothing to worry about. If you’re not sure on where to begin, here are a few things every new parent should know: 

1. Diaper changes are very important

Diaper changes are frequent and something new parents have to pay attention to. Babies that aren’t cleaned well can get severe rashes and develop other hygiene problems. Additionally, some creams and diapers can irritate babies with sensitive skin, so it’s essential to take great care when using products on your little one. 

When shopping around for baby cream for diaper changes, look for organic, non-chemical options designed to provide your baby with the soothing effects needed. Diaper rash is very common, so make sure you order the right cream to remedy it whenever required. You’ll also want any diaper products to be small enough to fit in a diaper bag.

2. Be patient with feeding

It can take a while to get the hang of nursing your little one since it’s not something that always comes naturally, and that’s okay. Remember, every mother and baby are different. Sometimes, it may also look like the baby is feeding but watch for the telltale signs that they’re actually taking milk in, such as moving ears and flared lips. 

The first few times feeding your baby, you’ll need to make sure that they latch onto the nipple. When the baby is still a newborn, they’ll need a lot of head support during feedings. If you need help through the process of learning how to feed your little one, consider a breastfeeding coach. Some babies never get into breastfeeding, which is perfectly normal. There are some really great formula brands out there that will ensure they get the necessary nutrients.

3. Burping the baby

Something that you’ll need to take care of is burping the baby after feedings. Babies can swallow air during feedings, causing them to feel full and upset. For this reason, it’s important to burp them after or during feedings regularly. 

You can usually tell when the baby needs burping since they’ll be upset and uncomfortable. Make sure to have plenty of burp cloths clean and available for these times, so you can avoid soiling your clothes. However, be aware that it will probably happen often with a newborn baby. You can burp on your lap or your shoulder. 

4. Take care with COVID-19

Unfortunately, with the pandemic still happening, it’s essential to take care of your newborn baby as best as you can. Although it seems as though children aren’t affected as much as adults, a baby is still building up immunity and strength for a host of illnesses, so avoid exposure as much as possible. 

This may look like asking friends and family to visit only when they’re confident they don’t have COVID-19 and avoiding frequent visits outside the home until they’re at least past the newborn stage. Breathing masks may also be encouraged for visitors to your home. 

In Conclusion

Becoming a first-time parent is a really big deal, and while you may not be 100% prepared for it, it’s something that many people have done throughout the years. Trust us; you’ll eventually get the hang of it. Don’t worry; with the right products and perhaps some help from friends or professionals, you’ll soon be an expert parent in no time. 

Make sure to bookmark this guide so that you can refer back to it whenever you want!

About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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Alfie Kerr
Alfie Kerr
3 years ago

Newborn baby care basics are important to know for parents. They can provide the necessary information on how to take care of their newborn. This includes how to feed, bathe, and sleep the baby. With this knowledge, they can be better prepared for their new life with a new baby. Well, I will read https://historythings.com/the-impact-of-history-on-modern-education-in-the-united-states/ article to know the impact of history on modern education in the USA.