4 Best Vitamins for Moms Over 40


4 Best Vitamins for Moms Over 40

Are you someone who always feels tired and weary? Do you think that the wrinkles and lines are more prominent than what they were before? Have you been experiencing pain in joints? If the answer to all the questions is ‘Yes’, it’s high time you think of including few vitamin supplements into your diet so as to bid goodbye to all such health issues.

Every woman deserves strong bones, sound sleep, and healthy skin. In order to get these, you need to take good care of yourself. It is common for moms to go witness a sudden diminishing metabolism, loss of libido and lethargy as soon as they celebrate their 40th birthday. While it is inevitable to age, it is not a pretty thing for that matter. So, what vitamins should you add to your diet to stay fit and strong for as long as you can?

#1: Flaxseed

If you don’t know what Flaxseed is, it is a laxative which works in reducing bad cholesterol levels. It claims to increase your immunity power and there are rumors about flaxseed which say that it can prevent breast cancer. You have Psyllium husks which come from Psyllium seeds and which is a natural source of dietary fiber. You may opt for Bonvit Psyllium husk if you want to keep the right amount of fibers that enter your body.

#2: Strontium

All moms above 40 and with a family history of osteoporosis must take 340 mg of this mineral supplement every day. Research reveals that strontium is almost twice effective as is other medications for osteoporosis and they work in boosting your bone density without having any side-effects. The New England Journal of Medicine concluded that women who took strontium supplements went through a boost in bone mineral density by 15% during a time span of 3 years.

#3: Vitamin D3

One more vitamin which is recommended for moms above 40 is Vitamin D3 due to its several benefits. One of the trends seen in the countries nowadays is that women suffer from lack of Vitamin D. Research reveals that taking sufficient levels of Vitamin D3 will assist you in maintaining a weight that’s healthy and reduces the risk of suffering from depression. Deficiency in Vitamin D causes pain in joints and hence you can ward off this too by taking regular supplements as prescribed by your physician.

#4: Calcium

This is popularized mostly by TV commercials as the ultimate vitamin supplement for women above 40 because calcium tends to be the most important among the minerals. If you take that along with Vitamin D, the absorption increases. Just remember not to take them with caffeine or iron as they will hinder calcium absorption. Consider having leafy green vegetables if you wish to go for the natural alternative.

Therefore, if you’re a mom above 40 and you’re concerned about aging and the related health issues, start taking the above-mentioned vitamins and minerals to stay fit.

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