What to Do When You Need a Lawyer


Consider the following hypothetical situation: you’ve been in an accident that messed up your leg, and you believe it’s someone else’s fault. It’s not clear yet how much this will cost you in terms of medical bills and quality of life, but you want to make sure that, if things get pricey, you have someone else on the hook for the bill. Do you need a lawyer? And, if you do, how do you get one?

Personal injury lawyer

The type of lawyer who would handle a situation like the one you describe in your letter is a personal injury lawyer. In a personal injury lawsuit, a person who was injured through the negligence of another party can sue for damages like medical bills, say the experts at Preszler Law, a firm that specializes in personal injury lawsuits.

Do you have a case?

So, do you have a case? You have been injured, you will have to pay for medical care, and you believe another party to be responsible. You’ll have to prove the responsible party was negligent, that the negligence caused the accident, and that the accident caused the damages. There isn’t enough information in your letter for us to tell you if that’s the case, but it wouldn’t be our place to do so, anyway. You need a lawyer of your own!

There’s the answer to your first question. If you believe you might have a case and want to know for sure, you absolutely need a lawyer. The only way to get reliable advice on your case is to speak to a lawyer who can take the specifics of your situation into account.

Finding a lawyer

So, what do you do when you need a lawyer? The first thing you do is research because you want to make sure you get a good one!

Studies show that the overwhelming majority of people who look for a lawyer start with online reviews. That’s a good strategy, but we’d add more to it than just that. You should also look at attorneys’ websites, taking note of their education, years of experience, and their specialties. There are specific specialties, even within personal injury law, so take note of them! While more common types of injuries are frequently handled by almost all personal injury lawyers, a more unique accident may be better handled by someone who specializes in that sort of case.

Pick out a lawyer and give their office a call. Set up a consultation, and show up to it prepared to explain your case in detail. Remember to be honest and stick to the relevant facts, and don’t forget to bring along all of the documentation that you think might be relevant. Documents related to the accident (such as police reports) are a must, as are the medical bills and diagnoses that will support your claim of damages.

If you feel the lawyer is a poor fit, you can set up a second consultation with a different professional. Once you find the lawyer for you, you can rely on them to guide you through the rest of the process–provided, of course, that they think the case is worth taking on. Good luck!

About Author

Dee Carreon

Mom Blog Society guest writers are comprised of men and women who feature brands from around the world. They encompass our vision to utilize the power and potential of the Internet to connect consumers and brands around the world as never before.

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