3 Principles For Getting Ride Of Painful Migraines


In some instances, surgical options for relieving increased migraine pain may be the only possible solution. Certain plastic and craniofacial surgeons are viable alternatives that will perform migraine surgeries that sufferers have not been able to get rid of on their own. With your permission, I’d like to share several insights with you that may help you decide whether you need surgery or not.

1. Do You Even Need Surgery?

If you’ve tried every home remedy you could get your hands on, you know by now that many migraines are caused by an indeterminable number of factors. Factors that may not necessarily be treated by home remedy alternatives. Before deciding if migraine surgery is right for you, ask yourself if you’ve tried any of the following natural alternatives to full effect: Apple cider vinegar, an ice pack, peppermint, chamomile, and likewise.

If you’ve tried the aforementioned alternatives, and still produce agonizing migraines, you may be in luck. If a neurologist has given you a diagnosis of chronic migraines, as well as deciding for you that medications are ineffective, then you may be appropriate for nerve decompression/migraine surgery. Each patient has specific migraine triggers (through the use of trigger point confirmation techniques) that assist your evaluation and assessment procedure for the surgery.  

2. What To Look For

As a busy woman, it’s understandable that some signs and symptoms of intense migraines and headaches will be present over a period of time. Being a woman in today’s day and age is a battle in and of itself, and this migraine problem certainly doesn’t help you. However, there are signs to look out for. In some cases, migraines and severe headaches may be accompanied by any (or all) of the following:

  • Intense confusion
  • Unwavering dizziness
  • Unstoppable fever
  • Intense numbness
  • Constantly short of breath
  • Stiff neck
  • Unrelenting vomiting
  • Inexplicable diarrhea
  • Constant weakness and unexplainable fatigue
  • Vision loss

3. What Surgeries Can Be Done

If one or more of the previous symptoms are present (in tandem with the headache), please see your local doctor as soon as you can. There are typically four problematic areas that can be treated by minimally invasive surgery to fix migraines. These areas are:

  • The supraorbital and supratrochlear nerves (area above the inner eyebrows)
  • The zygomaticotemporal nerve (temples)
  • The greater occipital nerve (located in the back of the head)
  • Septum and turbinate (inside nose)


No matter how long your migraines have occurred, how frequently you have them or where they happen, one thing is for sure. Seeking the advice of a migraine/headache specialist is vital for ensuring that your problems are taken care of. The specialist will conduct a thorough physical examination and recommend you for examination scan/imaging. Despite the effectiveness of minimally invasive surgery to treat migraines, please request a number of CT scans so your specialist is certain that surgery is required. In any event, please remember that your health is at stake and nothing is more important than that. Don’t sign off a migraine as just another headache that won’t go away. Don’t be afraid of seeing your local doctor or a qualified neurologist before it’s too late, and your problems become worse.

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