Your morning cup of coffee may help you kickstart your day, but did you know it also makes you 21% less likely to experience chronic liver disease?
There’s a way that you can make your coffee have an even bigger impact though.
If you opt for fair trade coffee, you can also help contribute to the health and well-being of others. Buying fair trade coffee beans ensures that you are helping support the people that are growing them.
Here’s how buying fair trade coffee can help you contribute to a fairer world for all.
What Is Fair Trade Coffee?
Fair trade is a movement to ensure workers and the planet are treated well when items are grown or made. Different fair trade organizations help organize partnerships.
These partnerships are an agreement among producers, companies that sell products, and consumers. The partnerships ensure that sustainable practices benefit everyone involved.
The Fair Trade Federation, for instance, has created a set of principles that producers and companies can follow. This way, a consumer can easily shop their conscience.
Why buy fair trade coffee? Your coffee purchases can help better conditions for the workers who grow it and also for the environment. Everybody wins.
Help Workers
Fair trade has changed the lives of farmers. It has helped them gain financial independence and cut out the middlemen. It empowers workers by offering access to credit and training on sustainable practices like growing organic coffee.
Cooperatives have been formed that ensure farmers never have to worry about basic needs. The cooperatives help connect farmers to health care, schools, and a better standard of living.
Not only does fair trade coffee give workers the wages and resources they deserve, but it also ensures safe working conditions. When you buy fair trade, you know where your beans are coming from and who is growing them.
You also know that you are not doing harm to farmers or their families.
Help the Environment
The fair wages that workers earn through the fair trade movement benefit the environment as well. When farmers make enough money to sustain their farms, they don’t need to resort to unsustainable environmental practices.
While there are different fair trade organizations that work with producers, most of them have committed to environmental sustainability.
Climate change is becoming a growing concern with drastic weather patterns across the United States. But with fair trade, you can be sure that your purchases are supporting better environmental practices.
Fair Trade Coffee and Beyond
Buying fair trade coffee can benefit you, producers, and the entire environment. It is easy to find and is a simple change that you can easily make in your everyday life. Next time you kick back with a cup of coffee, make it fair trade.
Looking for other ways to make your dollars benefit yourself and others? Check out our other articles for tips on how you can make a better world for all!
Fairtrade coffee is really very good for our health. we should use fairtrade coffee rather than any other coffee. thanks for writing such a great article for us.