Technology has infiltrated into our lives so much that we are increasingly growing dependent on it to perform many of our daily activities. We go to bed with our mobile phones and wake up to have a quick look at it before we start our daily chores. For most of the time of the day, we sit before computer screens often in a bending posture and bend our neck and head forward and backward constantly to look at the screens of various devices. Because of head and neck abuse, most people suffer from neck pain, which can often turn chronic as we continue with unhealthy postures and habits. Too much strain on the neck makes it sore and stiff, and we experience nagging pain that makes it difficult to move the head. Having a good sleep is essential to alleviate pain by relieving the strained nerves and muscles.
Choice of the pillow is critical
You need to find out which pillows are the best for neck pain to ensure that you have a comfortable sleep. Pillows provide vital support to the neck, and choosing the wrong pillows can only aggravate the problems. The right pillow keeps the neck supported in proper position with neutral alignment when you are sleeping. In the absence of proper support from pillows, the intricate structures of the neck experience more stress and worsen neck pain that can become unbearable and affect normal activities of daily living.
Which pillow is right for you?
Many varieties of pillows are available, and there is always a pillow of the right height and firmness for every individual that provides the best head and neck support. Every person has a particular sleeping position that influences the selection of pillow, and the size of the person and personal preferences matter in selecting the right pillow. The height of the pillow must match with the factors mentioned above because if the pillow is too high or too much firm, it does not allow the neck to relax during sleep. Again, very soft and flat pillows put a strain on the neck. Therefore, you must choose a pillow that provides optimal support to the neck to keep it relaxed when you are sleeping.
Pillow choices
For back sleepers meaning those who sleep on their back, a low pillow can be quite relaxing and comfortable while providing the necessary neck and head support. For extra support, you can place a small roll-shaped pillow or a small rolled towel under the neck. Some pillows already include these elements by providing a roll-shaped area for the neck and a similar area lower down for supporting the head.
Side sleepers will do well to choose a pillow of more height as it supports the head and neck alignment in a straight line over the shoulders in the same way it would have happened when standing straight. To provide the additional support, you can place a roll-shaped pillow or rolled a towel under the neck and use a pillow to support the head.
Changing the position of the pillow often provides more comfort like tucking the pillow under the shoulders.